PowermangaX - Powermanga for XBox v1 http://xport.xbox-scene.com http://linux.tlk.fr/index2.php http://www.lantus-x.com/SDLx/ This is a port of the game Powermanga. It's a fun 2D shooter. Green Gems - Increase powerup menu one position Red Gems - Increase powerup menu two positions Yellow Gems - Get a protective orb Purple Gems - Destroy all enemies on screen When you press the B button, the current powerup highlighted is activated. Activated powerups are cumulative. Super thanks to Lantus for his SDL-XBox libraries! Usage Notes : Use an XBox controller plugged into port #1 DPAD - Navigate Menus, move ship A - Fire Button B - Select Highlighted Powerup WHITE - Enable/Disable Cheats Y - When in cheat mode, destroys all enemies on screen START - Pause BACK - Abort game Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26X, StepmaniaX, PCSXBox, XBoyAdvance, DOSXBox, AtariXLBox, MirrorMagicX, KoboX, MaelstromX, MarblesX, Vice64X, Vice20X, VicePETX, KegsX, XPired, AdamX, WonderSwanX, BeatsOfRageX, PowermangaX, LynXBox, BlueMSXBox, GladiatorX, AmphetamineX, StarfighterX, PachiX, BlobWarsX, OdesseyX what's next? Enjoy! |