_____ _____ _____ _/\_ _____ \ \ / / __ _____\ \ / \ / _ /_____ _ \ \ /__ __ \ \_\\_ \ \/ \/ / / _/ /_\ \ \ //_//_/ / / / / \ \ \ \ / / / / /\ \ \ \ _/ \_ / _/ / \ \ \_ \ / \ \ \ _______\________\_ /_______ /_/ \ s! \_ \/ \/ \/ \______/ \______/ - ------------------------------------------------------- - U A E - X - ------------------------------------------------------- - port by rOn ascii by sensAh 1) Introduction --------------- UAE-X is a port of the famous Amiga emulator UAE to the X-Box platform. 2) License ---------- Like the original UAE, this code is under the G(ay)PL license. You'll need the Microsoft XBOX XDK to compile it. 3) Usage -------- -Install to your modded Xbox HD. -Put KICK13.ROM into UAE-X's roms/ folder (for emulating an amiga 500) -Put KICK30.ROM into UAE-X's roms/ folder (for emulating an amiga 1200) -Put some disks in UAE-X's disks/ folder. Remember that for now, UAE-X doesn't support zipped adf files. -Then, run UAE-X and enjoy the good old days! -The supported keys are: D-pad + A: Joystick 1 Left thumbstick: Mouse B: Left mouse button X: Right mouse button LTrigger+RTrigger+Black: Exit Start: Enter menu LTrigger or RTrigger: Fast scroll (menus) -Load & save state save the current key mappings. 4) Links -------- - UAE-X: http://uaex.sf.net/ - UAE: http://www.freiburg.linux.de/~uae/ 5) Contact ---------- DO NOT BOTHER UAE'S AUTHORS ABOUT THIS PORT! Actually, try not to bother me too but, if you want to improve the source code or whatever, shoot me an email at: [email protected] 6) Changelog ------------ v0.8.22 ----- -Lion: Updated code to latest UAE version - 0.8.22 (experimental) -Lion: Updated code to use latest XDK -Lion: Included a second .xbe - fastuaex.xbe - which has all optimisation levels cranked up to the max. May be more unstable than the normal default.xbe v0.81 ----- -added mouse sensitivity -added mouse/joystick thumb sticks swapping -options are now saved across sessions v0.8 ---- -SnaX: added config selection. uae config files are now in /configs/ -SnaX & Zhevon: XBOX Keyboard support! -Schlauchi: better default config file (old savestates might be broken, you'll have to load "Default (from previous UAEX versions)" to have them work) -SnaX: Hardfile support working v0.7 ---- -added directory support when browsing for floppies -added multiple resolution support: 640x480, 720x576, 720x480 (Thanks to japennan) -added 2nd controller support (you need to enable it in the options menu) v0.6 ---- -happy new year release -screen position/resize added -made screen updating to flicker less -added antialias settings -you can now disable the drive status bar v0.5 ---- -merry christmas release -load/save states added! -default.uae.aga added into the distrib for emulating an amiga 1200 v0.4 ---- -Keyboard simulation support! (Thanks to unknown) -made in-menu fast scrolling faster -fixed right click mouse button simulation -made menu selection to remember previous selection v0.3 ---- -PAL60 support added (Thanks to lantus) -Added support for left&right triggers in menu for faster scrolls -File list is now sorted -Number of floppy drives now selectable through menu -Fixed sound jerkyness! v0.2 ---- -Added quick'n'dirty selection menu (press START) v0.1 ---- -Initial release. Sound might be jerky and no menu so you have to edit the config file by hand :/ |