_ __ __ _ __ __ ______ __ ___ __ | |/ // /_ ____ | |/ / / / / / __ \ / |/ /___ _/ /_____ _____ | // __ \/ __ \| / / /_/ / / / / / /|_/ / __ `/ //_/ _ \/ ___/ / |/ /_/ / /_/ / | / __ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ / ,< / __/ / /_/|_/_.___/\____/_/|_| /_/ /_/_____/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/|_|\___/_/ __ ____ _____ ____/ / / __ `/ __ \/ __ / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/ __ __ ________ _________ _ _____ _______ __ / /_____ ____ / / / ___/ _ \/ ___/ __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ / / / / __/ __ \/ __ \/ / / / / __/ /__/ /_/ / |/ / __/ / / /_/ / / /_/ /_/ / /_/ / / /_/ \___/\___/\____/|___/\___/_/ \__, / \__/\____/\____/_/ /____/ This simple script will let you build a working xbox harddrive from scratch. This is possible due to the simple way an xbox HD is recognized by the xbox - the partition table is simply hardcoded in the xbox kernel. By writing "magic" words to certain locations on a HD we can therefore "trick" the xbox and an xbox-enabled linux kernel into thinking we have an xbox Hd attached to our PC. The mkfs.fatx utility from the xboxdumper package at xbox-linux.sourceforge.net lets us format fatx partitions. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING W G W This automated xbox HD builder will only work if you attach the xbox G W or blank HD on your PRIMARY MASTER. I also recommend to disconnect all G W other harddrives. Then you will not accidently destroy your current drives. G W You must still have at least one CDROM-drive attached. G W G W NB ! This distro uses the following notation : G W Primary Master : /dev/hda G W Primary Slave : /dev/hdb G W Secondary Master : /dev/hdc G W Secondary Slave : /dev/hdd G W G W First of all - if you intend to use this tool to make an xbox HD for an G W soft- or un-modded xbox you need to be able to lock the drive after it G W has been generated. G W You therefore need either your hdd passwd (obtained from Evox or G W ConfigMagic) or your xbox eeprom. With the eeprom you can generate the G W unique passwd with W the Liveinfo tool from Team Assembly. G W G W THIS MEANS IF YOU USE THIS TOOL ON A STOCK XBOX HD AND CHOOSE OPTION 1) G W WITHOUT HAVING THE HDD KEY OR EEPROM YOU ARE F****D SINCE THIS TOOL G W WILL REWRITE THE PARTITION TABLE IN THE FIRST STEP AND THEN REBOOT. G W IF YOU HOTSWAPPED YOUR STOCK HD THEN IT WILL BE RELOCKED UPON REBOOTING G W AND SINCE AT THIS STAGE IT IS NOT FUNCTIONAL IN YOUR XBOX YOU GOT G W YOURSELF A PAPERWEIGHT... G W G WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WHAT YOU NEED : 1) Read the above warning on hdd passwd or eeprom 2) This linux distro. Hopefully obtainable from xbins. 3) For the freshly formatted fatx HD to be of any use you need to supply the xboxhd tool with the xbox system-files (C-drive) and optionally your game save (E-drive). You can get these files from FTP'ing to your xbox and copy the files over to your PC. If you don't have these files you can obtain them from Slayers Evox Autoinstaller. This is an xiso that you can extract with tools like XISO or Qwix. The system-files is located in CD-DRIVE:/SYSTEM/ALL/c You can now either - burn a seperate CDROM with two folders containing the xbox C-, and E-drive respectively, or - Put the xbox C- and E-drive files in the C and E folders in this directory before making the burnable iso. For information on howto make the iso read the HOWTO.txt the main directory of this package. In the current version of xboxhd you can : 1) Build a working HD from scratch. This is two-step procedure. First we write the parition table. For this to be used we need to reboot. Afterwards we can continue formatting the partition. Reguirenments : The drive should be in an UNLOCKED state, since rebooting is needed. Having hotswapped is OK for the first step (making the partition table) but the drive will be relocked on reboot and will not allows us to format the partitions. You therefore need your xbox hd key or eeprom and a tool to unlock the drive. Unlockx should do the trick. 2) Rebuild C-drive. This will format the xbox HD's C-partition and rebuild it - bringing it back to a virgin state. Since the partition table is allready there we do not need to reboot and hotswapping is OK. 3) Cloning an existing xbox HD onto a blank drive. Again hotwapping is OK. 4) Wipe an existing xbox fatx partition table. Intended for corrupted xbox HD's that the user wants to rebuild from scratch. To start the tool type 'xboxhd' on the command-line. Hopefully the tool itself is more or less self-explanatory. Good luck ! |