ScummVMx 0.6.0 ============== Sorry it took so long to finish the port, but better late than never :) Incase you didnt know, the newest games that are supported in 0.6.0 release are: - Flight of the Amazon Queen (released as freeware) - Broken Sword 1 and 2 New things added to this XBOX port: - Screen calibration (LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+RTHUMB) - Take screenshots as PNG format (LTHUMB) - SAMBA support, but doesnt work very well with big games :( - Type numbers for copyprotection (hold LTRIGGER and use the DPAD) - Save game names will be DATE/TIME as default - Errors and warnings and other debug message are logged in debug.txt - G Drive support (Partition7) - OGG/Vorbis audio is now supported - Gzipped savegames (zlib) Happy scumming! Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copy the file default.xbe to your HDD and launch it. Read the README.txt of ScummVM for instructions on which files you need to copy or what you need to do to play a specific game. visit to see the Game Compatibility Chart for this release. Controls ~~~~~~~~ LEFT ANALOG/DPAD move cursor A/LTRIGGER LEFT MOUSE CLICK X/RTRIGGER RIGHT MOUSE CLICK Y ESC (skip cutscene's, close dialogs) B . (period) (skip subtitles) WHITE BUTTON F5 (save dialog) BLACK BUTTON/START PAUSE GAME HOLD LTRIGGER+DPAD DPAD will act as keypad to type numbers. Handy for MI2 protection and indy3 fighting. LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+BACK restart ScummVMx (back to launcher) LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+START exit ScummVMx (back to dashboard) LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+WHITE switch to previous gfx_mode LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+BLACK switch to next gfx_mode LTRIGGER+RTRIGGER+RTHUMB Calibrate the screen LTHUMB Take PNG screenshot, saved in "screenshots" dir SAMBA support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Samba is working, but isnt thread friendly so i had to make each smb access to a file lock it until its done. Else it would crash when it reads 2 or more files at the same time. The locking causes slow loading in BrokenSword and other big games like COMI so i really dont recommended for these games to use Samba. How to add a game via SAMBA: - Share a directory with supported games on your PC, and make sure its accessible by 'everyone'. - In the launcher choose "Add Game", then choose smb:// - Network will be initialized and samba as well, then will search for servers and workgroups in your LAN (this can take a while). - Then browse to the game as usual and add the game like it was on the hdd. You can do this manually in the scummvm.ini as well if you know the full smb path. Commandline options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can run ScummVMx with parameters, if your dashboard supports it. (like evox) the syntax is: default.xbe [options] [game] where game is the short name/id of the game you have added. (you can see it in scummvm.ini) Evolution-X example item to launch Day of the Tentacle with the gfx mode set to advmame2x: Item "ScummVMx - Day of the Tentacle", "e:\scummvm\default.xbe",ID_CMD,"-gadvmame2x tentacle" some other examples: Item "ScummVMx - ADVMAME3X", "e:\scummvm\default.xbe",ID_CMD,"-gadvmame3x" Item "ScummVMx - Flight of the Amazon Queen", "e:\scummvm\default.xbe",ID_CMD,"fotaq" Item "ScummVMx - Beneath a Steel Sky (german)", "e:\scummvm\default.xbe",ID_CMD,"-qde sky" See a list of available options in the README.txt of ScummVM. Running from CD/DVD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you plan to burn ScummVMx on a CD/DVD, i recommend you set a default savepath in your scummvm.ini. To set it, change the "savepath" in the [scummvm] section, example: [scummvm] savepath=U: The U: drive is where normal xbox games store their saves as well. (ScummVMx's Title ID = CRC32(ScummVMx) == 0x84ECE720) You can do this from the launcher as well, go to options->misc->choose and browse to the U: drive. Known bugs ~~~~~~~~~~ - Switching GFX scalers too fast or too many in hi-res games like COMI will cause a reset due to a memory leak. (especially switching to scalers with 3x scaling) - Samba doesnt support multithreaded access to multiple files at the same time. Bug reports ~~~~~~~~~~~ - Please send bug reports to guybrush (AT) - Please do _NOT_ bug the original ScummVM developers for problems related to the XBOX port since they dont support it. Special thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I want to thank harlekin for his excellent beta testing, thx :) - XBMP/XBMC team for their samba and network code and excellent media player :) - And ofcourse the ScummVM developers for their great work on ScummVM! |