Use this program for your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for any kind of 
damage this program might have caused to any kind of stuff(pc, xbox, etc...). 

This tool is most complete tool until now. 
You can Make/extract XISO's, FTP your folders/ISO's to Xbox (ISO's on the fly, without
any temp files, not even in memory), You can patch and edit XBE-Titles, Explore an iso,
scan a folder for XISO-images, MXM and Menux Multigame wizards... and more(or there will 
come more).

Why this tool while there are lots of tools?
This is a tool with the most options to use and I'm trying to make it an All-in-One tool.
If you have a suggestion, an idea or tip just call it.

There are a few languages supported but if you can translate it to another language, feel
free to email me, there is a translation tool available to download but it does not add 
languages automatically untill now. I need to add the translated language by myself but 
in one of the next versions it wil add your translated language by it's self.


version History

version 2.0.3
***	Adding ISO's by creating multigames. If you add a iso-image to a MenuX multigame,
	you'll not be able to create "Files only", you've to create an iso image. Creating
	multigame iso from iso's WITHOUT MAKING TEMPFILES !!


version 2.0.2
***	Exploring an XISO Disk and extracting
***	Bugfix reading Title from ISO when adding to FTP-list

***	French language added

***	Danish language added

***	Aspi.zip added for, necessary for exploring/extracting xiso discs.

version 2.0.1
*** 	Drag and drop files/folders from Windows exlorer to Extraction, creation and FTP.

***	A tray-icon is placed so that if the program will be working for a long time you
	can minimize it to system tray.(in case of transferring a lot of folders/iso-images
	or extracting/creating a set of iso-images)

*** 	German language is added

*** 	FTP buffer size was 32kb it's now 128 kb 

***	With an update of Lang.clf file Danish will allso be supported

***	Replace a file in ISO-Explore

*** 	A few bugfixes

version 2.0.0
***	Job save/load, you can make a job of an extraction, Creation and FTP transfer and
	save them so you can load later and execute.

***	Another way of downloading and installing of themes. 

*** 	FTP is added to make it possible to FTP folders and ISO images to XBox. By 
	transferring ISO-images the files from the images will be transferred "on-the-fly",
	without making any temp files !not even in memory!.

*** 	Scan Folder; this option scans a selected drive or folder for existing and VALID
	Xbox ISO-images. You can select some files and FTP the selected or extract them.

***	ISO-Explore; An ISO file can be explored and extracted. Possibility of extracting
	one or more folders.
***	Editing of XBE-Titles, a tab is placed for this option

***	Patching of XBE-Files, another tab is placed for this option

***	Image Editor, this is a simple image editor for copying, pasting, rotating, 
	resizing and converting of image-files. It's fast, easy and simple, D not expect 
	advanced things like photoshop has :)

***	MenuX and MXM multigame wizards, now they have their own tabs

***	ISO creation and extraction, a better way of creating of true xbox iso images and
	extracting them.

***	Aborting of a progress at any time is now possible. In the item list you can see
	the status of an item(waiting, done, error, aborted, active)


version 1.x.x
This version began with Multigame Wizard then it became a simple extractor/creator program
with multigame option.