HCE Customizer v1.6.1 Beta 1 By raz0r (aka mastertito4) & CLuis What is it: A skin maker for HCE (Halo Cache Editor) by XBOX_War3z. Supports All features supported in HCE skins. Supports gradient BG, transparencies and picture backgrounds. Please e-mail all bugs to: [email protected] Installation: If your reading this, you probably already did it right. How to use: Select object, then choose the color and/or opacity you want. Press 'Apply Changes' when done with object, then do more objects if you wish. Save as Skin.ini and transfer to the Main HCE directory on your xbox. Notes: HCEC is only in Beta stage. There WILL be bugs. The '.ini' MUST BE NAMED skin.ini to work on HCE. The bg pic MUST BE NAMED background.jpg (or .bmp or .png) Raz0r's Thanks: CLuis For: Helping a... *ahem* a TON with the coding, and being cool XBOX War3z For: Helped with coding HCE ;) I love it! This opportunity to learn Visual Basic Halomods For: Good times, like trivia and riddles. Most of you guys are cool |