_________________________ ___________ _________________ __ _/ / _ / \ / / _ | / | ___//_/ | / / / / _ \___/ / / |/ /___|_ |__._______ | ____/ \ \_ \ \ / / ___/_ / | | | / |_____| |_____\_____/________// /__________)________|___| | _/ -X----- - --- - --- --- /___________/ -- -- ---- -- --- X/ \ /______|______\ presents ......: Px HDD Loader v1.3 Company .......: ProjectX Origin ........: USA / NTSC Format ........: *.ISO Image System ........: Microsoft XBOX # of Files ....: 1 x 1MB Released ......: Dec 16th 2003 Filename ......: PX-HD13.ISO -X- ---- --- - --- ---------- -- - ------------- --- -- --- ---- --- --X- Here's an early Christmas present for our Xbox fans. What's new: Version 1.3a 1) Now supports Partition 7 for the 137+ GB Hard Drives Owners. 2) Creates gamelist.txt in the \HDDLoader root folder so you can easily edit it to find out what game is in what folder. 3) Left/Right on the D-Pad pages up/down by 5 games at a time. 4) The White button toggles the display of the folder numbers in the file name to quickly see what folder is what game. 5) Refresh game list now put inside a thread to avoid slowdown. 6) Reads HDDLoader.ini file to parse for a new path, for all you Debug Kit owners, you can now create HDDLoader.ini with the following in it: [Newpath] path = "\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\devkit" And it will read that folder for PxGame* for games, so you can easily Launch them from the XDK Launcher screen. We've include a px-readme.txt for those who are not familiar with our utility. -X-- --- - ----------- -- -------- - - -- ------------- -------- --- --X- _____ _____ ____ /____ __ ___/___ / /_____)_____)/ \ //__ / / \/ _ _/ / \_ /______\/______/______/ /\ ___/ / \_ _ _________________ _,__ ___( )_________________ ___( )__ _( rooting for _) __(_ _) (_ FLT, KAL, ECH, TCS, MNC, VNM, FLIX )_ (_ __.___ _) (__ TRFC, OBUS, JGT, SHK, TWC, ADX oke? _)_ (__ (\! `, __) (______________________________________) /__ `-,\_,/.-' )/(__//( /(__,__)\\. / () ( ) _________________________________________ ____) /-._,--)/___ _(12-16-2003)_ |