-------------------------------------- BIOS CHECKER v3.2 - by CrackJack Italy -------------------------------------- NOTES ON RELEASE 3.2 Major upgrade....back to the roots :-) - Removed "InMemory Bios Recognition" that causes bios recognition problems using dashboards different than Evox 3752 Hope to solve that problem soon....but real life problems are a lot and time to spend on xbox coding is few...... Added recognition of some new bioses: - X-Ecuter2 4979.06 - X-Ecuter2 4979.67 - Cromwell-2.27 - Cromwell-2.27b Added recognition of some Xbox TSOPS: - AMD Am29F040B - Winbond W49F002U - MACRONIX MX29F022NTPC - Hynix HY29F002 Remember that BiosChecker CANNOT recognize XBTOOLS modded bioses, original bioses only!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ON RELEASE 3.1 Minor upgrade, added some new bioses: - Cromwell 2.21dev - Cromwell 2.24a - Cromwell 2.24c - Cromwell 2.26 - DominionX 090x(F) - DominionX 090x(G) - Evox M7 - Evox M7 (EjectFix) - X-Ecuter2 4978 ( - X-Ecuter2 4978.03 (BFM) - X-Ecuter2 4978 - X-Ecuter2 4978 (FixLauncher 1.0.1) - X-Ecuter2 4978 (FixLauncher NOGO) - X-Ecuter2 4978 (BugFix) - X-Ecuter2 4978.02 - X-Ecuter2 4978.03 NOTES ON RELEASE 3.01beta Minor update - Added recognition of Chameleon modchip and all other mods based on AMD 29LV800B flashroms - Fixed Xecuter 2 modchip recognition (in old releases identified as tsop because flashrom is the same 29F080B!!) NOTES ON RELEASE 3.0beta Major update: - Added BIOS recognition in memory (can recognize some colour bios variants too) - We are working on Software Exploit Mods recognition. Rudimentary algo added...hope to improve it soon. Added recognition of some new and old bioses: - 5558 Debug (BFM) - Xecuter2 4977 (BFM) - Original Debug - Original 5101 - Original 4132 - Original 4817 - OzXBios 2.12 Please be patient, this is a beta, probably buggy release! Thanks to all xbox scene and see you soon ;-) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.10 Minor upgrade, added some new bioses: - 5558 Debug - Chameleon Cromwell 1.8 - OzXBios 1.26a - X-Ecuter2 4977 - X-Ecuter FlashBios NOTES ON RELEASE 2.09 This is a minor upgrade, added some new bioses and recognition of one new TSOP fitted in 1.2 xbox3s Added recognition of bioses: - X-Ecuter2 4975 - X-Ecuter2 4976 (Rev.02) - X-Ecuter2 4976 Added recognition of new xbox TSOP: - ST M29F002BT70N1 (xbox 1.2) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.08 - From this release BiosChecker tell you what TYPE OF CHIP contains the bios (TSOP reflashed, LPC, Homebrew eprom/flashrom). Useful if you buy a new XBOX and want to know if the vendor has installed the chip that you want ;-) - Added recognition of TeamAssembly Dual Debug BIOS Please mail me to report problems in bios chip detection! Greetings from Italy to all XBOX scene. NOTES ON RELEASE 2.07 Added recognition of: - X-Ecuter II 4974 - EvoX D6 (EjectFix) - EvoX D6 - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrGreyblack) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrGreyblackNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrNoaniPurple) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrOrange) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrOrange2) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrOrange2Noani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrOrangeNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrPurple) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrRedblue) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrRedblueNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrWhite) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrWhiteNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrPurpleorange) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrPurpleorange-F) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrPurpleorangeNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrWhitered) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrWhiteredNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrBlue) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrNoaniBlue) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrNoaniRed) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(ErrRed) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973(XmasErrNoani) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.06 Added recognition of: - EvoX2.6 (EjectFixXecuter) - EvoX2.6 (Xecuter) - EvoX3.6 (EjectFixXecuter) - EvoX3.6 (Xecuter) - EvoX2.5 (E-Boot) - EvoX2.5 (F-Boot) - EvoX2.6 (E-Boot) - EvoX2.6 (F-Boot) - EvoX2.6V1 (Err) - EvoX2.6V1 (ErrBlue) - EvoX2.6V1 (ErrNoani) - EvoX2.6V1 (ErrNoaniRed) - EvoX2.6V1 (ErrRed) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (E-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (Err) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (ErrBlue) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (ErrBlueNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (ErrRedBlue) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (ErrEedBlueNoani) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (F-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (NoaniBlueE-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (NoaniBlueF-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (NoaniE-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (NoaniF-Boot) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (NoaniBlueExenc) - X-Ecuter IIv1 (Exenc) - X-Ecuter IIv1 4973 - X-Ecuter IIv1.1 4973 NOTES ON RELEASE 2.05: Another minor upgrade....many new bioses in last days!!!! Added recognition of: - X-Ecuter II 4972 Final (Xbox 1.1 - 256KB release) - X-Ecuter II 4972 Final (1.0 NoaniBlueErr) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.04: This is a minor upgrade....added recognition of: - X-Ecuter II 4972 Final (Xbox 1.0) - X-Ecuter II 4972 Final (Xbox 1.1) Thanks to TEAM X-ECUTER for having immediately sent us the new bioses ;-) Great job GuyX NOTES ON RELEASE 2.03: Added recognition of: - EvoX2.4 (Xecuter enc) - EvoX2.5 (ColErrEvoxXecuter) - EvoX2.5 (ColErrYboxXecuter) - EvoX2.5 (ErrNoaniNologoEvoxXecuter) - EvoX2.5 (ErrNoaniNologoYboxXecuter) - EvoX2.5 (XecuterEnc) - EvoX2.6 (EjectFix 1.0) - EvoX2.6 (V1.0) - EvoX3.6 (EjectFix 1.1) - EvoX3.6 (V1.1) - X-Ecuter 2 (V1.1) - X-Ecuter 2 (V1) - X-Ecuter 2 (V1 Noani) - X-Ecuter 2 (V NoaniBlue) Special thanks to team X-Ecuter that with his job makes possible the impossible! Thanks also to all those that help me to continue the development of BiosChecker with Bug reports, new MagicNumbers and suggestions! Greetings from Italy to all xbox-scene ;-) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.02: - Added recognition of Complex 4627 (1.03 Debug) - Added recognition of Complex 4627 (1.03 Retail) - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 ColorMod blue - Added recognition of EvoX2.5 ColorMod blue - Changed IRC server and channel....see the end of this txt ;-) NOTES ON RELEASE 2.01: This is a major release because we have modified the bios detection engines to detect SmallBioses and MULTIBIOS images too!!! The new engine is implemented in BiosCHECKER(xbox) and in BiosSCAN(win32). Now the updates list ;-) - Implemented the 256 KB and 512 KB BIOS size detection (thanks to GeminiServer for suggestions and MagicNumbers!!) so we can detect Homebrew ModZ without problems...or I hope so ;-). - Implemented MULTIBIOS detection (thanks to GeminiServer!!) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColorErr) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColorErrEvox) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColorErrNoani) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColErrNoaniEvox) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColErrNoaniYbox) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ColorErrYbox) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ErrNoaniNologo) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ErrNoaniNologoEvox) - Added recognition of EvolutionX 2.5 (ErrNoaniNologoYbox) - Added recognition of Evox 2.4 BIOS - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (NoAni) - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (ErrNoAni) - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (ErrNoAniNoLogo) - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (ErrNoAniNoLogoY) - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (ErrNoAniY - Added recognition of EvoX2.4 (ErrYbox) NOTES ON RELEASE 1.44: - Added recognition of Messiah-X bios - Improved recognition of Extender 1.1 bios and Enigmah-X bios - Renamed X-Ecutor Modchip bios to "X-Ecutor" (in the preceding versions named "X-Ecutor (dump)") to avoid misunderstandings. Thanks to Charles Lee, PRO CHIPS X,Pierre Groulx, Suey Johnson, Melih, Sebasse, Santino Fuentes and all other people that have mailed me MagicNumbers, bugs and suggestions!! To improve bioschecker I need you!!! Have you found an unknown bios? Please, mail me the MagicNumber so I can upgrade the software and improve bios detection. Have you created a new Bios Variant?? Mail me so I can add it to all others! I'm working on definitive Homebrew modchip bios detection.....more infos to come! NOTES ON RELEASE 1.43: - Added recognition of Evox 2.3 FastForward Animation bios - Added recognition of TrapFlag V2 bios - Added BIOSSCAN Win32 program. Run under Win9x/2000/XP and can recognize "genuine" xbox bios .bin files. I think that's useful to know what kind of bios you are about to flash before flashing it!! NOTES ON RELEASE 1.42: - Improved the recognition of Enigmah-X bioses - Discovered that TitanX bios is equal to Enigmah-X bios (an exact copy!!) - Corrected my email address at the end of this document ;-) - Added recognition of Extender 1.1 "mixed" with 3944 original TSOP bios NOTES ON RELEASE 1.41: - Added EnigmahX beta Modchip recognition (thanks to Charles Lee and HackerNeo for MagicNumber mail and test!!) - Fixed a display problem on some xboxes NOTES ON RELEASE 1.4: - Added the file BIOSES.TXT that contains the list of the recognized bioses - Added some new bioses that in the preceding version were not recognized (Like Enigmah-X and offical X-Ecutor) - EliteX 4034 (1.1 final) deleted because is equal to Enigmah-X bios!! NOTES ON RELEASE 1.3: - HomeBrew Xtender BIOS recognized - If your BIOS is unknown the program generate a "MagicNumber" that identify your bios. Please, send a copy of this number to [email protected] with a small description of the modchip you have or the name of your bios so I can add it to future releases of BiosChecker! NOTES ON RELEASE 1.2: - Now you can restart your xbox pressing the START button after BIOS recognition. NOTES ON RELEASE 1.1: - Release 1.0 doesn't work on retail boxes...so I release this fixed release for debug/retail X's. ******************* *USING BIOSCHECKER* ******************* 1) Install the files on xbox HD or CDRW/DVD 2) Execute "default.xbe" to know what kind of bios are you using 3) Enjoy ;-) **************** *USING BIOSSCAN* **************** 1) Copy BiosScan.exe into a directory on your HD :-) 2) Run it and then click on the button "CLICK TO SCAN A BIOS" 3) Browse your disk to find the desired xbox bios .bin file SPECIAL NOTES: ------------- BiosChecker for XBOX is based on XFLASH source code of Dysfunction. XFLASH is a GREAT and very useful program that can flash your XBOX bios. Every day I use it 4 o 5 times :-) It's Great!! For bug reports ,suggestions, MagicNumbers: ------------------------------ On WWW --> WWW.DARKMOON.ORG MailMe --> [email protected] On IRC --> irc.azzurra.net or 2night.azzurra.net #xbox-tribe |