+----------------------+ | XBox-Saves Manager | | 4.5 | http://www.xbox-saves.com/ | -------------------- | | by Team X4 | +----------------------+ Whats New: - Fixed bug where saves become corrupted when transferring individual saves from XBox to PC - Fixed bug where empty saves are created when FTP connection to XBox is lost. - Fixed bug when deleting saves on PC - Descriptions for saves no longer allowed on XBox, only for saves on PC - Autoconverts non-compatible XBSM/MXK saves so ALL saves should load in XBSM (except for Gameshark saves but who cares) - Removes copy protection on saves during transfers so that they can be copied to memory card within MS Dashboard - Added feature to indicate your XBox region so all saves transferred to PC will display correct region +----------------------+| Usage |+----------------------+ Its very easy to use, but we'll cover the basics here. XBox-Saves Manager uses EvolutionX's and Avalaunch's wonderful ftp server to get at yourgame saves. This of course means that you need to be running EvolutionX or Avalaunch before you can connect with XBSM. The first thing you need to do is bring up the Connection Manager and set your XBox IP address indicated in Evolution-X and Avalaunch. You can also set up different connection profiles as well. The rest of the options are pretty straight forward, and you can play with them whenever you get a chance. Once you've setup that information, hit OK and the Connection Manager window will close. You can now hit the green Connect button on the toolbar and XBSM will connect to your XBox and download the information it needs to create a list of all the saves on it. You will then see whatever saves you have in the XBox pane. If you want to send a save to your PC, simply select the save or saves you want to send, and hit the arrow in the center of the window that points to the PC pane. It will send the saves to your PC, compress and store them automatically for you. Reverse this process to send saves from your PC to your XBox. There is a description data you can edit for every save on your PC. Double-click a save to edit this info. You can also browse to different folders on your PC where you have saves stored to load into XBSM. If you have a memory card, you can plug it into the XBox and have XBSM read the saves stored on the card and list them in the XBox pane. However, in order for XBSM to recognize the memory card, there must be at least one save stored on it. This just scratches the surface, there are a lot more features. Play around with it and you should be able to figure most everything out without any difficulty! +----------------------+| Known Issues |+----------------------+ XBSM currently relies on Microsoft's WInInet.dll for FTP connectivity and Microsoft had bugs in their older versions of this DLL file. They fixed it and it is distributed with products such as IE 5.5 (or higher), Windows XP, etc. If you're having any connectivity problems between your PC and XBox and are using an older version of IE and/or an older version of Windows, try updating to IE 5.5 or higher. +----------------------+| Support |+----------------------+ The best place to find answers to your questions is through our forums, which you can find at http://www.xbox-saves.com/ There are several testers who have been using XBSM for a while in addition to us who can answer questions and help with any problems you may run into. +----------------------+| Version History |+----------------------+ Version 4.5 (October 2003) - Fixed bug where saves become corrupted when transferring individual saves from XBox to PC - Fixed bug where empty saves are created when FTP connection to XBox is lost. - Fixed bug when deleting saves on PC - Descriptions for saves no longer allowed on XBox, only for saves on PC - Autoconverts non-compatible XBSM/MXK saves so ALL saves should load in XBSM (except for Gameshark saves but who cares) - Removes copy protection on saves during transfers so that they can be copied to memory card within MS Dashboard - Added feature to set your XBox region so all saves transferred to PC will display correct region Beta 4 (February 14, 2003) - Added support for transferring saves to/from a memory card instead of just the hard drive. - Added ability to change the directory in which to look for game saves on the PC. - Changed main toolbar, added 2 new toolbars. - Added option for customizing the text which is displayed for game saves (description only, save name + description). - Saves and restores window size and position between executions. - Bug fix when transferring some game saves from PC to XBox. Beta 3 (December 27, 2002) - Added a 'Connection Manager' for managing connection profiles for multiple XBoxes. - Improved the caching of game save info for game saves which reside on the XBox. - Added 'www.gamesaves.de' to the list of sites supported in the software for direct upload of game saves. - Game titles with high ASCII characters (i.e. trademark symbol, copyright symbol, etc) in there title were not displaying correctly. This has been fixed. - A few other minor bug fixes and tweaks. Beta 2.1 (November 14, 2002) - Enhanced 'Submit to website' so that it automatically brings you to the web site and fills in all the information for you (i.e. game title, description, saved by, etc.) - Added 'Connect to...' form for easier connectivity to different XBoxes without having to go into the 'Options' each time. - A few other minor tweaks - A few minor bug fixes Beta 2 (November 4, 2002) - Added option to disable Advanced Caching Routines for XBox saves for people with multiple XBox's - Fixed some problems with the zip routines that were causing errors during imports and exports of saves, and also potentially prevented the extended save information from being loaded properly. - Re-enabled "submit to web site". - Added "Links" menu with links to useful XBox related web sites. - A few other minor tweaksBeta 1 - Initial Public Release |