Z26 Atari 2600 Emulator port for XBox v1 http://xport.xb-power.com Put roms wherever you like Default directory is \A26ROMS What's New : - Fully Emulates Atari 2600 - Extra sound channel in games like Pitfall - Plays music in Pitfall 2 - Plays Supercharger games - Paddle sensitivity - Adjust screen size/position during gameplay The main reason I ported this was to play Supercharger games, which Stella does not do. Z26 is also much more compatible than Stella. In-Game Keys : Y - Options Menu (from options menu, press START+BACK to exit game) A - Joystick Fire Button DPAD - Joystick movement LTHUMB - Paddle movement START - Reset BACK - Select X - Booster Grip Booster B - Booster Grip Trigger L/R Trigger - P1/2 Difficulty Switches WHITE/BLACK - Paddle Sensitivity LTHUMB - Press to adjust size/position of screen There was no reliable way to measure the exact game-screen size so it was not possible to automatically stretch the image to fill the entire screen. To correct this, you can press the LTHUMB button while playing a game and then use the LTHUMB and RTHUMB sticks to change the screen size/position. Press LTHUMB again when you're done. Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen, Bochs, HUGO-CD, FMSXBox, Bliss, WinSTon, Gens, Z26....what's next? Enjoy! |