readme.txt for Xbox ISO Extractor v1.0 for MacOS X Hello everyone, this is in and I am pleased to announce the release of Xbox ISO Extractor, a GUI front-end for my extract-xiso tool. This program was written by Emil Arfvidsson of Sweden <[email protected]> and is a fantastic and very welcome addition to my Terminal-based tool. I have received many emails from MacOS X users who are not familiar with the Terminal who wonder, "How do I use extract-xiso??" Now, thanks to Emil, you don't have to wonder any more! Simply double-click on the Xbox ISO Extractor app and choose from listing the contents of the ISO, extracting to the local filesystem, or extracting directly to your Xbox over FTP. Easy! I would also like to point out that this is Emil's first GUI development project, which makes this release that much more impressive. If you find this tool useful please send a note of thanks to him at [email protected] and take the opportunity to welcome him to the MacOS Xbox developer community. Our tools are getting better all the time! in April 25, 2003 |