Let's have a look at what's new and fixed in this release:
Integrated NSP installer
With our last update we introduced the possibility of installing eShop NSP titles. However, this relied on using external tools and wasn't very user friendly. In this release we bring our own integrated NSP installer as part of our menu system. This is the neatest and easiest way of installing NSP titles, enjoy!
Integrated homebrew launcher
Launching homebrew used to be done by launching NX HBMenu by holding R when entering the album. While we kept this possibility (mostly for developers), you can now also launch your favorite homebrew directly from our own menu!
IR / motion plus issue fixed
A few games (like 1-2-Switch and Resident Evil) were suffering from freezes when enabling the joycon IR camera or motion controls.
Allow unsigned NCA
People asked us if we could get rid of the NCA integrity checks, so we did! Custom NCA files, modified NCA files and repackaged NCA files should all work fine now.
Display SX OS version in menu
To better distinguish the different versions of SX OS we introduced a small version number display in our menu.
LayeredFS fixes for 4.1.0
There were certain issues with 'LayeredFS' for people on firmware 4.1.0. If you use 'LayeredFS' on that specific firmware there's good news for you: these issues have been identified and fixed!