Initial Release of OpenFodder for the Nintendo Switch. Follow the instructions below to enjoy. Controls Keys Controls D-Pad or Analog Move Mouse A or ZR Click B or ZL Fire X Speed up cursor Y Swap alt weapon Click+Fire Use alt weapon Plus Pause Minus Show map preview Minus+L Decrease window size Minus+R Increase window size Plus+Minus Go back Setup Requires a copy of Cannon Fodder (DOS or Amiga, Amiga files work better) [DOS]: [Amiga]: Download this archive And extract the contents of OpenFodder/ to /switch/openfodder/ on your Nintendo Switch SD card. [DOS] Copy 'CF_ENG.DAT' from the CD (or the GOG install destination) to the /switch/openfodder/Data/Dos_CD folder. [Amiga] Copy the contents of 'cf_data' into the /switch/openfodder/Data/Amiga directory. Copy openfodder-switch.nro to /switch/openfodder/ and boot the game through the homebrew launcher. |