Classic99x - Texas Instruments 99 Emulator for XBox v2 "You make the locks!" "Come to us for the core updates and fixes!" First off... "You must have at least ROM for the emulator to work. Really... how else are you gonna play you silly wabbit?". ------------------ Special thanks.... ------------------ X-port for porting a great collection of emu's over to the xbox, releasing the source code, and answering my stupid questions. Surreal CE team - Just because they are cool! Atariage (Albert in particular) - For providing a place for me to ramble on. For encouragement in general. Wimpy and Perr - For also providing a place for me to ramble and to make my goods available. :) Shout out to Hyper_Eye, SPPV, hcf, A600, Destronger, +T+, Neobomb, incrediclint, YRUSirius, Surreal CE team and all those who are honourable and keep the xbox-scene alive. Comments of support from various interested parties. If I missed anybody shoot me an email and I'll update this file. =============== Important Notes =============== The ROM / Disk / File system has been totally revamped to make things alot easier on you, the end user, to run things. However some brain is still required. So read and pay attention! The most important thing is knowing what image "type" you are trying to run. There four types that Classic99x is setup to run. 1. Cartridge Games. These are the easiest to identify and run. File extension is usually ".BIN". 2. Program File Extended Basic (formerly known as "Program File"). This is essentially a BASIC language program that is run either from FIAD or a DSK image. 3. Object File Editor/Assembler. This is an object/assembly file that is loaded via the Editor/Assembler. It is run either from FIAD or a DSK image. 4. Program File Editor/Assembler. This is a program/assembly file that is loaded via the Editor/Assembler. It is run either from FIAD or a DSK image. 3 & 4 are virtually the same. Just loaded slightly different. So your job as a user first and foremost is to figure out what "type" of file you are trying to load. In most cases there will be a file on the disk or included with the image zip you want to run that describes what "type" of file you are running. Worst case scenario you try all the options until one works! :lol: --------------------------- How to Play Cartridge Games --------------------------- ok. This is easy peasy. Each cartridge game can consist of 1 to 3 files. The naming is like this. XXXXXC.BIN XXXXXD.BIN XXXXXG.BIN Where XXXXX is the descriptive name of the game and C/D/G represent the different parts of the cartridge ROM. Just select anyone of these files and you are good to go. No need to unzip the files. In fact, go ahead and place them in the same zip to save yourself some confusion. I modified the code to handle multi-file ROMs within a ZIP file. The emu will automatically update the "Auto Paste lines" to handle everything for you. So go ahead and set "Auto Paste Lines Into Emulator" to "Yes" and everything will be automated for you. -------------------- How to Play the Rest -------------------- Program File Extended Basic, Object File Editor/Assembler, and Program File Editor/Assembler are all handled the same way. It just depends on whether you are using FIAD or a DSK image. ".DSK" images are self contained images that contain disk image data. FIAD files. Essentially a directory somewhere on your xbox that the emulator treats as an "emulated Disk" inserted in drive 1. ++++ FIAD ++++ If you are using FIAD.. just browse to the directory containing your files and select it. In the game configuration screen select the "Image Type" you are loading. The emu will automatically update the "Auto Paste lines" to handle everything for you. So go ahead and set "Auto Paste Lines Into Emulator" to "Yes" and everything will be automated for you. If it does not work you either selected the wrong "Image Type" or selected the wrong file. So try switching the "Image Types" to see if that gets it working. Or try selecting a different file. Disk based programs are a little different from a cartridge in that usually one file is the one you want to run and the rest are just support files that the program loads. +++ DSK +++ If you are using a DSK image. Select the DSK image. In the game configuration screen select the "Image Type" you are loading. Select ""TI Filename To Load (Paste)" and it will display a list of the files on the DSK image. Select the one you want to load. The emu will automatically update the "Auto Paste lines" to handle everything for you. So go ahead and set "Auto Paste Lines Into Emulator" to "Yes" and everything will be automated for you. If it does not work you either selected the wrong "Image Type" or selected the wrong file. So try switching the "Image Types" to see if that gets it working. Or try selecting a different file. Disk based programs are a little different from a cartridge in that usually one file is the one you want to run and the rest are just support files that the program loads. I've included the "LoadingFiles.txt" that came with the original x-port release for those who feel like perusing it. However some of the info in there is no longer applicable or not applicable to the xbox port. --------------- Tunnels of Doom --------------- Tunnels of Doom is a cartridge game that needs to read information from the disk drive (DSK1). The required disk files (PENNY, QUEST, PENNIES) are already in the \DISKFILES directory. So when you launch the TunnelsOfDoomG.BIN file, it will ask you where to load from. Select #2 to load from disk and then enter either PENNY, QUEST, or PENNIES as the filename. ----- Xtras ----- If someone is interested in creating some Xtras for the Classic99x emu. Just contact me and I will help you out. The only downside is we currently do not have a skin to support dual preview. However by creating Xtras we can take away alot of the decision making on the end users part because the games will already be configured and good to go! Remember. No synops means no long filename support. :) TI-99 fans unite! ********************************** *** Changes To Classic99x Core *** ********************************** Note: Savestates only seem to work with cartridges. ++++ Partial core update to core 3.62 ++++ I ran into issues doing a full update. So I decided in the interem to do a partial update of as much as I possibly could. So updates include the following. * Latest VDP code. * Latest Sound chip code (sounds much better). Still using old speech synth code. * Latest CPU9900 code. * DSK image support. * Ability to disable VDP layers including backdrop, sprites, and blanking, as well as to disable the 4-sprites-per-line limitation (flickering). Although only the 4-sprites-per-line option is currently available to you. * limited 80 column 9938-like support (for what it is worth). :lol: Intended for use with Turbo Forth. * Various other features only a TI-99 owner would be excited about. -------- The Rest -------- * Given the full "Madmab Edition" treatment. * Sorry... No Dual or Triple Preview skin available. Just the original one created by J-red. * Disk files (aka FIAD images) can be run from anywhere (not just the D:\DISKFILES directory). * Added game specific Video Modes. * Added game specific Auto Save State Load (only works with cartridges?) * Added option to disable 4 sprites per line flicker * Added option to use 'NTSC TV' mode filter. Recommended for Trusty users only. Controls are Hue, Saturation, Contrast, Brightness and Sharpness as well as scanlines enabled/disabled. * Added two new Image Types "Program File Editor/Assembler" and "Object File Editor/Assembler" these are for loading stuff thru the Editor Assembler. * Renamed "Program File" to "Program File Extended Basic" to more accurately reflect what it was for (loading Basic programs). * Added new option "TI Filename To Load (Paste)". If you selected a "DSK" (disk) image using this option will display the disks contents and let you select which "file" you want to launch. Just be sure you set the "Image Type" to match the type of file you are loading. * Added new option to "Auto Paste Lines Into Emulator". If set to "Yes" it will automatically paste the lines on game load making for (most of the time) automated game loading for you lazy types out there. * Hooked up throttle (fast forward) so that it actually works now. * In Game menu option to reset the TI-99. ********************************* *** Interface Related Changes *** ********************************* * Added a new "Dummy/Lockdown Mode Setting".. "Remove 'Shutdown Xbox' From Main Menu?" Yes/No. For those of you who are driven crazy because this option is there. ;) :P **************************** *** To Do For Classic99x *** **************************** * Eh? |