\___________ _________ _______________ ___________/ \\\ \/ \ /// \\/ _ \ \ \// / /____/ ______/ \ / \ /__ \ \ ____ /___ / \ \ / \____ ____ \ ///__\ \ _____/ __// \ / \_____________\____\_///||\\\__________/________/ __________________________/ \__________________________ ___/ - RESET GLITCH LOADER-dev 0v100 - \___ ________ #RGLoader @ EFnet ________ _____ // \_________________/ \\ _______ \________________| RELEASE NOTES |________________/ ***THIS IS A BETA RELEASE, NOT EVEN THE NFO IS FINISHED YET*** Rgloader-dev 0v98 got leaked a few weeks back and contains a few bugs like slims showing up as test kits etc. This build contains the latest patches for all the xbox files but does not support big block or bad block. If you manage the bad blocks yourself you might be able to get around the bad block issue. ---Things to come in final release--- Big block support. INI files will replace the bat files. GUI Builder. Xell dual boot & hvxbootOS ;) _____________________ _________________/ / \ \_____________________ / - | USAGE | - \ AS OF 0v99 YOU NEED TO PROVIDE THE FILESYSTEM FILES -- /Filesystem needs to be filled with the files from a devkit 13599/14699 nand. (for 13599 you can just copy the 'filesystem' folder over from the 0v98 release) Slims require fcrt.bin to play retail DVDs. If you want to exclude this feature (or any files you dont have), delete the fcrt.bin line from defaults/(13599 or 4699)-dev/slim.ini ------------------------------------------------------- You will need .NET Framework 4 installed. May work with Mono. Edit build.bat with your CPU_Key. Put your nand image next to this file as "nand.bin" Create a folder 'Filesystems' (don't forget the 's') on the xbox hard drive. (This is where you will store the devkit system files since they won't all fit on a 16MB retail NAND.) Copy the devkit files to a folder '13599-dev' (or 14699-dev for ver.14699) inside of 'Filesystems' on the HDD. ie: hdd:/Filesystems/13599-dev Start build process by running build.bat Output will be next to this file named: Image._____.bin nandpro usb: @w16 "Image._____.bin" If you want to flash the image using something other than nandpro you can just have nandpro output to a file instead and then flash the fixed file using whatever you like. Save games and profiles are stored in a different CONTENT folder in the dev kernel, therefore not everything will transfer between retail and dev. Use rgbuild_gui.bat to open the rgbuild UI, which is intended to be a .NET version of 360 Flash Tool (which sadly seems discontinued :( ) _______ _______________ _______ // \_______\ /_______/ \\ \_____________________|- Changelog -|_________________________/ 0v100 -Added 14699 patches -Moved files location on hdd -Slims show up as dev kit on 14699 without xbdm.ini or modded xbdm.xex -Retail disc support on slims -Added neededfiles.txt to the folders _______ _______________ _______ // \_______\ /_______/ \\ \_____________________|- GREETINGS -|_________________________/ RGLoader was started from the foundations left by others. We hold no claim to researching everything used in rgloader. It's thanks to the work of the amazing people below that we got anywhere: tmbinc, almost every 360 tool owes you for your initial work. although we may be -FAR- away from your intended goals, we'd still like to thank you for your amazing work and the example you set for a good reverse engineerer. The 360 Flash Tool team, thanks for your amazing tool which has helped many people, many times over. My only gripe is that it's not open, maybe one day. GliGli, Tiros, cOz and co., I'm sure anybody with a glitched console should know the work you all put in. I hope recent releases won't deter you from continuing to contribute to the scene with your work. Last but not least: the donators who helped get me a glitched box and CPLD, I will add the names to the nfo in the final release. GliGli, Tiros, and co. cOz Robinsod Natelx TeamFSD Freeboot/ggbuild/xebuild team ----Testers/Helpers jsjar spandaman Grim187 Rumblpak Deathlok Mustache iLLNESS JuggaHax0r Gadorach no1b4me RF1911 XDK Mycah Alter PizzaG (many more to add) __________________________________________________________ _/__________________________________________________________\_ // "don't worry, about a thing..." \_nfo: iCEQB_\ |