Exiso-GUI v1.0.0.7 New interface, less bugs, better traduction (see below for complete history). Version Fixed some bugs (Error path of the iso with space resolved, file not found error resolved for QuickBoot maker) Version Added ability to choose the FTP port. Version Fixed counting the number of files on the FTP, more consistent message at the end of the extraction. Version - Implementing drag and drop (one catch. Iso file and release in the fields dedicated for that purpose instead of "go") - Error handling during the extraction: the elements extracted successfully shown in green in the waiting list and in red if it fails. - Fixed a bug in the destination path at a local extraction. Version - Possibility to list the files in the iso before extraction. - All actions are now logged to the file history.log - Various ergonomic improvements - Minor bug fixes Version - Fixed bugs in the ways of extraction (over. "Iso" in the name of files in a retrieval via FTP over the problem of inconsistent records at the local extractions). - Greatly reduced CPU consumption during extraction. - Drag / drop files directly as possible in the waiting list. - "Automatic search for isos" to load all the isos in a folder (and subfolders) - Ability to add / remove iso of the waiting list during the extraction process! - Progress bars (total growth and progression of the current iso) - Possibility to stop the automatic scrolling. - Display the number of extraction successful / failed / not processed at the end of the extraction. - Appearance of the button "reduce" to put the window in the taskbar - Possibility to stop an extraction current (crash or expectation that the final extraction ends). Version - Update exiso.exe: extract-xISO V2.6.3, now supports ISO Type XGD3 (as amended by Aiyyo, version 2.7 of Somski is strongly discouraged because it suffers from some bugs on the FTP). - Simplification of the interface: improving the ergonomics of the interface and some cosmetic issues (tab order, button icons more explicit ...) - Double click on an iso image from the list to view the files it contains - A single click on an item that already was treated returns to the right place in the extraction of logs - Can not copy directories $ SystemUpdate when extracting - Possibility to make a pause during extraction - The default destination (local or FTP) is now saved - Creation of a setup file for those who have problems with missing files (DLL). http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=706990&st=0 |