########################################################### Welcome to our release of FFPlay. From Cancerous and JQE This is using FFmpeg libraries from http:\\ffmpeg.org as ported by Ced2911 This is using SDL as ported by Lantus This should play allmost all 720p videos. 1080p IS UNSTABLE please don't report it we know about i. ########################################################### INFO FOR DEVS: ############################################################## We added launchdata. This means that any app can launch this with a few parameters and play a video. The parameters are struct LaunchInfo { char filename260; char callingapp260; }; here is an example of how to use it. LaunchInfo data = (LaunchInfo)malloc(sizeof(LaunchInfo)); memset(data->filename, 0, MAX_PATH); memcpy(data->filename, file.c_str(), strlen(file.c_str())); memset(data->callingapp, 0, MAX_PATH); string expath = getExecutablePath(); memcpy(data->callingapp, expath.c_str(), strlen(expath.c_str())); XSetLaunchData((PVOID)data, sizeof(LaunchInfo)); XLaunchNewImage("game:\\vid\\default.xex", 0); CallingApp is the app you are running, use this to return to the app after launch. filename is the name of the file you want to play. INFO FOR USERS: ##############################################################3 A brings up a menu, rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play, Pause. NOTE: Fast Forward, and Rewind might be unstable. It is know and we are working on it. NOW we have our people to thank. cOz helped with some coding and solved a issue with running it on JTAGS Thanks to testers: Blackwolf, JPizzle, Mattie, Razkar, and Trajik. Thanks for direction and assistance: MaesterRo, Anthony, And node21 Thanks for the libraries Ced2911 and Lantus |