=== OpenPS3FTP README v1.5 === .: Default Login Details :. Username: root Password: openbox A "nopass" version is included so that any login combination is accepted. .: Description :. OpenPS3FTP is a minimalistic open source File Transfer Protocol ("FTP") server by jjolano for the PlayStation 3. It was written using the PSL1GHT SDK found at http://psl1ght.com/ (git: http://github.com/HACKERCHANNEL/PSL1GHT). .: License :. This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3. The source code (along with source trees of previous versions) is available at the OpenPS3FTP git repository at github: https://github.com/jjolano/openps3ftp .: General Usage Tutorial :. Just a small tutorial on the basics. Prerequisites: - Custom Firmware (tested on 3.55, but should work for all) - A network connection - Optional: Internet access (for IP address retrieval) Installation: - Extract the pkg files from the archive and copy them into a USB drive - Connect the USB drive to your console and select the pkg file under the "Install Package Files" menu (found under Game) Note: The pkg file that you select should correspond to the custom firmware you are using. For example: if you have installed geohot's 3.55 jailbreak, use the file "openps3ftp.geohot.pkg". If not, use "openps3ftp.pkg". Users of CFW 3.55 kmeaw can use any pkg. - OpenPS3FTP is now installed! Usage: Note: If your console doesn't have internet access and you don't know it's IP address, you should take note of the IP Address in Settings > Network Settings > Settings and Connection Status List. - Launch OpenPS3FTP (found under Game) - Wait until you see text on the screen. - Connect to your console using an FTP client (such as FileZilla) using the IP address that is shown on the screen (or what you noted down if you don't have internet access) with username: root and password: openbox. - Now that you're connected, you can browse through and manipulate files on your console as if it were a folder on your computer. .: Developers :. Feel free to fork the OpenPS3FTP git repository. If you find anything in the code that can be improved or needs to be fixed, you can edit that in your fork and then submit your commit to me via pull request. If you are developing a program based on or using OpenPS3FTP's code, you must include the source code of your program for each release because OpenPS3FTP is licensed under the GPL. .: Support :. If you need help with this program or would like to point out a bug, please contact me on Twitter (@jjolano) or submit an "Issue" on the OpenPS3FTP git. You can donate to me via PayPal: http://bit.ly/gmzGcI Thanks for using OpenPS3FTP! |