Freestyle XBOX 360 Dashboard ------------------------- 2010/03/09 Originally Created by axc97c version 1.10 Changes made by : HellDoc Node21 Mattie JQE Cr4zi3 Wondro ------------------------- Once this version is installed you will need to run the New FSDIndexer and get data for all games, not just incomplete ones or your games may disappear. FEATURES: - List Xbox 360 games, XBLA games, GOD Packages, applications, emulators, and launch them. - Can move items between menus. - Browse games by genre. - Favourite games support. - View recently played games. - Game details including no of players, resolution, sound etc. - Full screenshot viewer. - Preview video for each game. - Support for background artwork for each title, including boxart, screenshots and icon. - Use FSD indexer to download artwork (or add manually) and edit the metadata with each game and upload to Xbox 360 either via USB drive or FTP. - FTP Passive and Active Support. - FTP speeds now support 10Mb+ to internal HDD. - FTP working in many more clients. - File Browser including copying, moving, renaming and deleting files. - Copy DVD to USB drive or HDD. - Sounds within user interface. - Semi-Transparent menus. - Shows Gamertag on main screen. - Shows Date and Time in dashboard. - Shows free disk space on all drives. - Shows temperatures. - Show IP address. - Parental controls which lock down to only showing XBLA games. - Fully skinable. - Customizable overscan. - Source code released too. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation ------------ * Copy the "freestyle" folder into the root of USB0: or HDD1: * If you wish to launch from disc choose and burn the appropriate launch image. o freestyle-usb.iso - cd image to boot freestyle from usb0:\freestyle\freestyledash.xex o freestyle-hdd.iso - cd image to boot freestyle from hdd1:\freestyle\freestyledash.xex * Copy the proper boot package to hdd1:\Content\0000000000000000\C0DE9999\00007000\ to have it show in the NXE Dashboard. o freestyle-usb - package to boot freestyle from usb0:\freestyle\freestyledash.xex o freestyle-hdd - package to boot freestyle from hdd1:\freestyle\freestyledash.xex Other Notes ----------- On first boot you will be asked if you want the dashboard data stored on the usb drive or xbox hdd. This is where the artwork and program information will be stored. The FSDIndexer can be run via ftp to update the xbox while the drives is connected to it. If the drive is USB you may move it to the PC and run it locally there. Artwork wise, i have hosted all the icons i have available, so if any are missing let me know which. For the boxart and screenshots, the indexer uses the xbox marketplace for most content. Games that arent listed use an alternate url for the main xbox site, but these need to be added manually so some may be missing. The file for this is automatically updated so if games have no info you can either wait for me to add them to the list or edit the altgames.xml file yourself. When the dash first scans your content, it takes a while as it extracts any icons etc it finds. This is all cached though so subsequent launches of the dashboard are quick. The first run of the indexer will take quite some time, as it has got a lot of artwork to get, so please be patient with it. Video Preview support --------------------- Plays preview.wmv from the games artwork folder. Larger files seem to crash the XUI video player, so keep em to a few Mb. In the main skin, the res of the video object it 354x200. Not sure what to do regarding the indexer and the video files, they would require quite a bit of bandwidth to host if we started creating a collection for everyone to download, so im open to suggestions. At the the moment, some files play and some crash. I have no idea what the cause is for this, prehaps someone can do some testing? All 3 sample wmv files with the XDK play properly, and the 720p HD wmv samples from microsofts site done. Fonts ----- The dash will look for a file called fonts.xml in your skin folder. The file contains the typeface names and filenames that will be loaded for use in the skin. An example file is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <fonts> <font name="Berlin Sans FB" file="BRLNSR.TTF"/> <font name="Constantia" file="CONSTAN.TTF"/> </fonts> To load the font "skin\NXE (List)\BRLNSR.TTF" as "Berlin Sans FB" and "skin\NXE (List)\CONSTAN.TTF" as "Constantia" The fonts filename and name should be the same as you set up in the XUI Tool. History ------- v1/10 Added Display Options GamerTag GamerScore Temperature Free Disk Space System Info Added launching of God Games FTP Active mode and speed increases Can move Titles to different menus Fixed Status code crashes Semi-Transparant Menus Fan Speed Controls LED Light Settings v1.09 Dont download artwork thats already on the hdd Support for foreign characters Fixed black screen at startup No skin changes so 1.08 skins will work ok v1.08 View favourite games of main menu Store recent games and view off main menu File manager - copy, move, rename and delete file Support custom fonts in skin v1.07 NON PUBLIC RELEASE Copy DVD to HDD or USB drive Various fixes Cover list has title for games with missing cover v1.06 NON PUBLIC RELEASE Fix for filezilla ftp client (and probably others) Requires your xbox ip to be put in the config.xml file in the fsdata folder Fix startup crash when no content.xml file was found v1.05 NON PUBLIC RELEASE FTP speed fix, now 10-11MBps, however, copying to usb is still slowish for some reason, but then it is in XeXmenu too. Fixed render loop to be fixed at 60 FPS instead of using a sleep Change video preview to XMediaCreateXmvPlayerFromFile so streams files instead of loading into ram Add buttons working on indexer, allow you to add custom graphics to a title when none have been automatically downloaded Pick all/xbox 360/xbla/homebrew/emu on indexer to help sorting out your content. Remove deleted stuff from index Add background downloading support to indexer Save list every 15 games when scanning v1.04 NON PUBLIC RELEASE Fixed emulator button not working Added preview.wmv support, with option to disable Added background image support, with option to disable Added date and time and optional format setting v1.03 Fixed content saving bug in dash XML saving in dash quicker Added usb0:\applications and hdd1:\application paths. Please delete your config.xml for these to be added to existing installs. (The one in fsdata not base) v1.02 Runs with cooler cpu/gpu FTP speed much quicker v1.01 Fix to storage selection location v1.0 Original public version |