XX XX XXXX XXX XXXX X X irc.efnet.net XXXX X X X X X X #team-xedev XX XXX X X XXX X X XXXX X X X X X X xX XX XXXX XXX XXXX XX Presents: XeXMenu v1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XeXMenu V1.1 ============= * Added HFS+ drive support * Added ip adress information to the configuration menu * Added skin loading verify routine to output errors on the screen while starting XeXMenu * Added some user skins * Improved ftp upload speed * Loads nxebg.dds and icon.dds even if nxeart isn't present * Some other bugs fixed Press "BACK" for detailed help pages! Note: If you only get a black screen on startup try to delete the XeXMenu savegame known as "Unknown Xbox Game" using system tab in dash XeXMenu V1.0 ============= * Gametitle extraction from NXEART if possible (toggle) - Games with more than just one XEX will show up multiple times * Embedded FTP Server to transfer your stuff directly from your computer - Use xbox:xbox@ip:21 * Use FTP to read/write/delete your onboard flash - Only user flash/flash is able to do that! * Support for all found XEX files. Not just default.xex (toggle) * Shows the content of any GAMES folder on any device - Use GAMES, APPLICATIONS, EMULATORS for auto discovery menu on each device * Switch between games/apps/emus in the discovery menu using RB/LB * Auto scale skins for most resolutions (toggle) * Different help screens for each menu * Use DPad to switch between devices while browsing files * Xbox1 compatibility partition support (if exists) - Xbox1 partition known as "HddX" * Alphanumeric listing for files * No more XEX auto patching when copying DVDs * Manual XEX patching for freeBOOT users * Configuration menu * Real XBox save system for the configuration - Gamesave known as "Unkown Xbox Game" * Chose between different skins from the configuration menu * Support for own skins * many more things we can't remember ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE) Copy the C0DE9999 folder to HDD1:/Partition3/Content/0000000000000000/ ... or use the XEX version FTP) To prevent the Xbox from connecting to Xbox Live you can set up your network as follows - Use an IP adress outside your routers DHCP IP pool If your router use for DHCP you could use - Set up your computers IP as gateway. The XBox should be able to connect to your computer now but won't get access to the internet. If you have a second NIC just make a direct connection to be sure Use xbox:xbox@ip:21 to connect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GX-Mod, everyone who donated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team-XeDEV 2010 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |