------------------------------------------------------ liteTool -------------- Version: 0.1 -------------- Released: 17/08/2009 (UK DATE) -------------- Programmer: Klutsh -------------- Copyright Notes: This software may be freely redistributed so long as it is left unaltered. ------------------------------------------------------ *DISCLAIMER: ANY USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS YOUR OWN RISK* None of the contributing programmers shall be held responsible for any damages that may be caused by the use of liteTool. About liteTool: ---------- liteTool is 16-Bit console application designed to copy Key & Serial information from a DosFlash 1.8 generated Dummy.bin for Lite-On 74850C & 83850C Drives. - Works iXtreme 1.6. - Cross version Spoofing is not supported. ------------------------------------------------------ How to Use: ----------- liteTool is rarther simple to use, Usage: liteTool <source> <target> e.g. liteTool dummy.bin lo83cfw.bin NOTE: Filenames are not fixed but must conform to the 8.3 DOS standard. THIS PROGRAM IS NOT EXTENSIVLY TESTED. A CHECK HAS BEEN INPLEMENTED TO PREVENT ERRORS BUT CANNOT GUARANTEE IT. Thanks to: ------- In no particular order. Caster420, Geremia, c4eva, Kai Schtrom, Cofree & all @ www.robinhoodsplayground.com Thanks also to those that are not mentioned but who contributed to make this all possible. (Permission was given by Caster420 to make & release this app) |