--------------------------------------------------------------------- Maximus - 360 Xtractor Reader 2.8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Whats New on 2.8 - ADDED : Dumping of Liteon Optical and DVD mainboard serials (it saves as serial.bin) Big thanks to Geremia for the info. - ADDED : Creation of dummy.bin wich basically is a compilation of all the other files That way the dump is fully compatible with latest jungleflasher - ADDED : Added option for creating the missing serial.bin and dummy.bin. You must enter those values, you can find that option under the "Prepare Spoofed Firmware" button, give it a try it has help links on it. *Note1: This version requires Winford Portio32 drivers, visit our page at www.maximusgames.net/360xtractor.php on the download section you will find the driver and Install Guide *Note2: If you plan to use the USB serial read you need to install USB driver on www.maximusgames.net/360xtractor.php on the download section you will find drivers and install guides for it. AND ALSO: THE USB DOES NOT FEED POWER TO XTRACTOR, YOU NEED PLUG IT TO YOUR PC POWER SOURCE !! *Note3: Take note Firmware Toolbox 4.8 will not open properly the resultant file (Benq, Samsung) after spoofing, only hitachi firmwares can be opened in Toolbox 4.8 for flashing, we are working on a new release to allow toolbox open without problems, meanwhile Samsung or Benq generated files can be flashed with mtkflash/dosflash as usual. WHAT IS IT ? ---------- Graphical tool to allow read keys from Lite On / Benq Drives It supports USB key dumping if using with an 360 Xtractor Tool Also contains bonus feature as NO-SLAX ModeB command Can work with 360 xtractor tool or other (homemade max323) adapters, even rival tools are welcome MAIN FEATURES: --------- - Key reading on Liteon Benq Drives - key.bin/identify.bin/inquiry.bin file generation - Allow ORIGINAL / CLONE detection for 360 Xtractor Tool (R.I.P. D.France) - BONUS FEATURE: Send ModeB command to All Hitachi Drives (even 78/79) NO SLAX REQUIRED INSTALLATION: --------------- - Unzip contents on the folder you like, make sure the folder has write permissions since some small temp files could be generated by application on that folder HOW TO USE: ------------------ - This application rely on Legacy Mode or IDE-SATA adapter to be able to send/receive data from the drive, Legacy Mode it could or could not be supported by your PC Bios once enabled the OS will see sata channels as if where regular IDE channels - Once you setup Legacy Mode or IDE-SATA adapter you should choose the IDE Port (Primary Master/Primary Slave or Secundary Master/Secundary Slave) according to the sata channel you have attached the Drive, you could simply click on "SEND IDENTIFY ATAPI" button so if you get the Drive response then its the proper channel - Liteon Drives should be powered on with tray half opened, I would recommend follow this great tutorial from devils360 http://www.devilsps3.centelia.net/360/?p=7 you also should choose the com port that is used to comunicate with the drive - To Read liteon Keys just click on "Key Read" Button, keys will be displayed - To Save Files just click on "Get Key And Files" and files will be generated and you will be asked for location of the files - To Put a Hitachi drive in ModeB just click on ModeB button, make sure the attached drive is a Hitachi, this command will be rejected for other brand of drives, this feature is useful on Hitachi 78/79 to avoid SLAX booting. - Dont use this tool to mess with Other (Windows Visible) drives or dvd roms, sending eject/load commands to windows controlled drives could work but if you disturb windows control over them horrible things could happen. My advice is keep a channel for the "non-visible" drives it could be Primary or the Master, and leave the other for Windows controlled drives SUPPORT/DONATIONS ----------------- - NO NEEDED, IF YOU WANT HELP US IN ANY WAY, BUY GENUINE 360 XTRACTOR TOOLS AT http//www.maximusgames.net/360xtractor.php For those bashers around there: We give software tools for FREE, our hardware is OPTIONAL If you dont like our hardware simply DONT BUY IT and stop posting bullshit. CHANGE LOG ---------- V2.7 - ADDED : Detect button for COM ports so it can locate easier the Virtual com port that windows assigned to the xtractor (if using xtractor usb conection). - FIXED : Inquiry data returned zero on some sata cards. V2.6 - ADDED : Support for Spear the New 360 Xtractor Add on. - ADDED : Timer button, this allow you keep your hands free to handle the spear while reading. - CHANGED: Now just 1 button to search and scan sata ports for drives that way is easier for noobs. - FIXED : Compatible now with all Liteon Drives V2.5 - ADDED: Added support for VAD6039 (weird units around) and also First benq drives wich have different inquiry string - ADDED: Now the Open button on Output file defaults to the previous dumped files folder, that will save you a few seconds more - FIXED: File to Floppy was not being saved when file dont exist thanks to Armando for pointing it. - IMPROVED: Key Read time improved (at least on some sata controllers) V2.4 - ADDED: To end once for all with the (FAKE?) rumour of the application giving bad keys when a pattern of bytes is present on the key we have increased to 7 the validation checks on it. If you got 8320 at the end of your key is because that are part of the key, and nothing wrong with it. Also if you have a buffer overrun the application it will indicate it so you can know something is wrong with your hardware (the max232 device u are using to read). - ADDED: Support for some Intel chipsets not being detected properly on scan ports routine. In the future if you cant see your card at Valid Ports then give us an email and we will add your card to definition lists (we are covering all on what we have tested previous to the release). - ADDED: The Base file on Spoof window will now remember last 4 entries to help you save even more time. V 2.3 - Whole Redesign, now it looks like the perfect companion for 360 Xtractor hardware. - ADDED: Support for Native (no need for Legacy Mode anymore) - ADDED: Direct Sata Port Detection (no need to mess with addressing) - ADDED: Improved code for fast reading - ADDED: Quick addons that simplify the process since key read till get a spoof firmware B.10 - FIXED : Bug that caused some Samsung firmwares not being properly detected thanks to Jason B for pointing it. B.9 - FIXED : Bug that avoids using the tool for Hitachis And yes I give thanks to Podger for pointing the bug, what we would do without him bashing us on the forums for every bug NOT NEED TO RE-FLASH YOUR HITACHI, DONT WORRY NOBODY HAS USED THIS TOOL FOR SPOOFING ON HITACHIS BEFORE SO I ASSUME NO COMPLAINS ABOUT THIS BUG AFFECTING SOMEBODY. Now from b.09 you can use it on your Hitachi drives as target B.8 - FIXED : Bug on ATA Spoofing on Benq Target drives If your target drive is a Hitachi or Samsung dont worry about this bug If your target drive is a benq you can simply redo the "Prepare Spoofed Firmware" with this 0.8 version and then re-flash your target benq drive. B.7 - FIXED : Bug on Benq Locating key when using a benq file as source B.6 - FIXED : Bug on output file generation, now it generates proper size B.5 - FIXED : Bug showing wrong key when it contains a "00" on it - ADDED : SPOOF File Generation Option (it patches both, inquiry and identify routines). B.3 - Launched BUGS, COMMENTS OR ADD FEATURES REQUEST: --------------------------------------- [email protected] THANKS TO ------------------------------------------------------------------- C4E, geremia, and all others on xboxhacker.net and yes to Seventhson too, he is the foundation of all my job Some guys bashed me for not adding seventhson on the first readme because I use the ModeB command he documented, well it was pretty obvious for me but anyway here is it the adding. |