------------------------------------------------------ iPrep (iPrep 101) Version: 008.6 Beta -------------- Released: 31/12/2008 (UK DATE) -------------- Programmer: Klutsh -------------- License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE -------------- Copyright Notes: This software may be freely redistributed so long as it is left unaltered. ------------------------------------------------------ *DISCLAIMER: ANY USE OF THIS PROGRAM IS YOUR OWN RISK* None of the contributing programmers shall be held responsible for any damages that may be caused by the use of iPrep and accompanying files. About iPrep: ---------- iPrep is a .NET application and collection of applications for use in flashing Samsung, BenQ or Lite-On DVD drives. - Floppy/USB drive Bootable Format. - MD5 check, lets you know your firmware is legit. - Updateable Firmware definitions. - Works iXtreme 1.5 and future firmwares. - Loads Firmware from .bin or .rar. ------------------------------------------------------ Whats New/Fixed: ---------- - Use of Fixed Drives (NTFS4DOS) restored. - Ability to flash Lite-On drives 100% in DOS. - Includes FirmTool 1.3.1 and DosFlash 1.7. - Batch file generation. - Error messages. ------------------------------------------------------ !!NOTE: BE CAREFUL! THIS PROGRAM USES A FORMAT COMMAND. THIS CAN AND WILL DELETE ALL FILES ON THE REMOVEABLE DRIVE YOU CHOOSE. IF THERE ARE FILES ON YOUR FLOPPY OR USB DRIVE YOU WANT TO KEEP, GET THEM OFF THE MEDIA FIRST! THE FILES WILL BE DELETED. DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR DRIVE LETTER BEFORE RUNNNING THE PROGRAM. NOBODY WANTS TO ACCIDENTALLY FORMAT THEIR WORK! A CHECK HAS BEEN INPLEMENTED TO PREVENT HDD ERASURE BUT I CANNOT GUARANTEE IT. How to Use: ----------- iPrep has a simple onscreen guide. Detailed guides will be added to the forums @ www.X-Projects.org Thanks to: ------- In no particular order. Caster420, Geremia, c4eva, Podger, Kai Schtrom, cofree, Bart and Hewlett-Packard. Thanks also to those that are not mentioned but who contributed to make this all possible. (Note, Klutsh only makes iPrep, the real work is by others). Requirements: ------------- Microsoft .NET Framework V2 Serial ATA Drivers Installed in Windows for the SATA Detection. |