# uxrip360 - Linux Based (Tired of DualBoot into windows) XBOX360 game dumper 0.1a
#			klewan - 2008
#   after you got a 'final.iso' use Schtrom3.4=> to verify your files (works with wine)
#   and its also sugested to use XBC and XDVDMulleter to verify it!! just to be sure (VirtualBox Share can be your friend!)
#			best at this time is to use XDVDMulleter in virtualbox-osd and do a full CRC check against the online DB
# if you have modified something -> meet me @uxrip360 EFNET
# Verified to Work on Samsung-D162C
# 					  1 => Samsung SH162C
#                                         2 => Samsung-H943A (not verified)
#                                         3 => Benq-VAD6038 (not verified)
#                                         4 => Samsung D163B  
#                                         4 => Samsung D162D  
unpack the tar.bz2 you got:
			tar xjvf uxrip360.tar.bz2
			sudo make install

identify your 	drive, it is usally something like /dev/sr0 or /dev/sr1

after that put in a XBOX360-dvd:
	to test drive:
		sudo uxrip360 -a test -D /dev/cdrom

	and run following:
		sudo uxrip360 -a rip -D /dev/srX  -o /path/where/files/should/be/stored

	where as /dev/srX should be replaced with your dev

Sometimes on my SH162-C it looks like if i start "-a rip"
and cancle during the game.iso extraction and after that i do again a "-a rip" the video isn't read out ok, either the OS doesn't report any 
error it seems that this has something to do with kreon FW or any hardware issue with my hardware

in this case a rerun of "-a rip" work's for me, seems to reset the drive or so.

TO RIP A RIP: Insert original :-)
	or do a:
		uxrip360 -D /dev/srX -o /where/to/store -a rip-a-rip

SplitVid is not supported if you really need it (as if IX14 its not 'required') 
boot your windows and use XBC2.x to "Convert to SplitVid" (Verifiy of most tools works with VMware/VirtualBox)