Team Xecuter Presents FlashBIOS (Based on Linux Cromwell) 12th June 2003 FlashBIOS (Cromwell) is a customized version of the Cromwell bios for distribution with the Xecuter2 modchip, it has been changed to incorporate a modchip flashing feature that requires a CD with BIOS.BIN to be inserted in the XBOX's DVD-ROM drive. Once a CD is inserted into the drive the bios looks for a BIOS.BIN file and if it is found it will flash this onto the modchip (provided it has flash support in the bios for the modchip type). We have also inclued an erase / programming progress bar for you to monitor the success of the flashing. ========= WARNING ========= The use of FlashBIOS (Cromwell) to flash your modchip is entirely your responsibility, any misuse of the flashing feature could result in your console being left inoperable and will require your modchip to be flashed with an external programmer. The flashing feature of FlashBIOS (Cromwell) has been tested with all the devices listed below. Please read all instructions fully before attempting to use this feature. - The bios supports the following flash roms 0x01 0xd5 AMD - Am29F080B (XECUTER2) 0x04 0xd5 FUJITSU - MBM29F080A 0xad 0xd5 Hynix - HY29F080 0x20 0xf1 ST - M29F080A 0x89 0xA6 Sharp - LHF08CH1 0xbf 0x61 SST - 49LF020 (Cheapmods) ====================== How to use FlashBIOS ====================== Step 1 - Creating the Bios CD - Ensure that the bios file you wish to use of an appropriate size for your modchip. (eg. Cheapmods require a 256k bios file and Xecuter 2 requires a 1Mb file.) - Make a copy of the bios file you wish to use and rename this copy to BIOS.BIN (You can also use BIOSUPD1.BIN, CROMWELL.BIN, XECUTER.BIN & LINUXBIO.BIN) - Select a CD or DVD media compatible with your XBox's DVD-Rom. (Most CDRW will work and most DVD-R will work. If you have a Samsung Drive then some CD-R will work) - Burn the BIOS.BIN file onto a CD. (For Nero select the following settings, No Multisession, ISO Level 1, Format Mode 1, ISO 9660, Deselect Joliet, Finalize CD, Disc-At-Once) - You should add a dummy file to the CD to ensure it is read properly by the XBOX. We have enclosed a dummy file creator with this release. We recommend 100MB. Step 2 - Flashing with FlashBIOS (Cromwell) - Turn your XBox console ON, when the DVD-Rom tray ejects please insert your BIOS.BIN CD and close the tray. - When the flashing procedure is complete the XBox will shut down. - If your modchip is writeprotected or the programming fails you will be informed by error messages on screen (It will say Unknown Flash! Halting) ================== More Information ================== Our message forums are at ================= Future Releases ================= This release of FlashBIOS has been tested on V1.0, V1.1 & v1.2 XBox consoles There is a new v1.3 motherboard and new RC4 key so current bios's will not work (yet). ====================== Compatibility Issues ====================== - Video fragmentation may occur in some circumstances and is an error of the Cromwell bios. However we dont use crappy graphics so you should have no problem in seeing exactley whats going on. ========= Credits ========= XBOX Linux Team for Cromwell which FlashBIOS is based on Andy Green for his support in the scene All staff at #xbins All staff at #xboxhacker All staff at The following are worthy of a mention due to the fact they'd ignore my ass if I didn't :p (In no particular order....) Xantium Iretch Spiral The Joker ^Blazed^ GreenGiant Arakon Pixel8 Romracer Rustyball Sniperkil r0wdy Momdad Iriez Jon5k Genehack BenJeremy XB0X_Mod gainpresence Superfr0 If I forgot you - spit your dummy out elsewhere :) =================== Modchip Retailers =================== We recommend the following modchip retailers.... |