gentoo-livecd-xenon-beta ************************ This is a liveCD for Linux on the Xbox 360. It is based on the experimental gentoo liveCD that can be found here : It has a few changes to boot on the Xbox 360 (codename xenon). Currently, Samsung drives aren't supported, there is no sound driver, and you should use vga output for better results. This liveCD is build with the new xenosfb driver so it have a full gnome desktop. It also contains the powerpc64 toolchain for developers. How does it work ? ================== Burn gentoo-livecd-xenon-beta.iso. Upload the cdreader binary via serial, or use the new king kong patcher with built-in readcd code, this will open the dvd tray. Put the gentoo-livecd-xenon-beta CD in the drive. cdreader will automatically start the xell bootloader located at lba 0x20 on this cd and boot the Linux Kernel. Where to find more info on Linux for Xbox 360 : =============================================== Free60 is a project towards porting GNU/Linux, BSD, Darwin and related open-source operating systems to the Microsoft Xbox 360 video game console. Thanks to : =========== - Felix alias tmbinc, coded the cdreader binary and xell bootloader, without him, nothing would be possible. - Stonersmurf, did the ISO mastering and gave his help and support on a lot of things, many thanks to him. - The team. Cheers, Cpasjuste. Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox360 (and probably some more) are registered trademarks by Microsoft Corp. No affiliation between the Free60 Project and Microsoft Corp. exists or is implied. All other trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. |