___.___.___.___.___.__.___.____. | _ | _ | __| __| __| _|_ _| ___| o * badsheepy * | __| _| _||__ | _|| | | |__ | o | | | \_\_______|___| |_| |___| :=-------------=|_|-|_|=-----------=|_|-|_|=------------------------=: _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ XDVD/ \ / \ | T | | | | | ____| _ | ____| _ | / \/ \| | | |___| |___| _T__| T___| _T__| _| / \ | | | | | | | | | | | | T | / \______| ______|_______|______ | __| |______ | __|___| / ____\ /____ \ |/ |/ \|/ \|/ \| \/ |/-OEP :=-------------------------------------=RELEASED ON 02/12/07=-------=: ._.___.___.___. | | _ | ___ _ | o "Business in the front, party in the back!" | | | | _|| | | o |_| |_|_| |___| :=----=|_|=---------------------------------------------------------=: XDVDMulleter BETA 5 (fixed edition)! Welcome to the shiny new version of XDVDMulleter! This fixes a really stupid bug I should have found before releasing but didnt :P Added: Create ISO direct from FTP - With boost mode if supported (Maybe only Avalaunch?) Create ISO from Folders within multi game ISOs ISO has optional end padding for bad media Fixed: Crosslinked file checker now works properly ISOs are now more correct size Zero length files handled properly Misc bugfixes i have forgotten about Notes: Set your settings before attempting to use FTP FTP stuff is new, and might be buggy. Crosslinking doesnt work from FTP files. UnleashX cannot use boost mode to download files, so its off by default. If you use Avalaunch, turn it on. Theres a possiblity if you use a layout file and there is a BIG gap between two files, that writing the padding may take so long that the boost mode transfer times out. If this happens (and its very unlikely) Just turn off boost mode for that transfer. XDVDMulleter is beta software, use at your own risk. Much more to come! :=------------------------------------------------------------------=: .____.___.___.______.____. | ___| _ | __| ___ _| ___| | |_ | _| _|| _|| |__ | |____| \_\___|___| |___| :=-----------------------------------------=|_|=-------=|_|---------=: Thanks to c4eva for the firmwares, OEP for the nfo, #mullets for something or other, all people doing consoley stuff, people who gave feedback, all the other people I have forgotten about, and Aisy No thanks to the FTP protocol for being slightly retarded. If you see dcman, shit on his head And may the sheep be with you... always |