X360SAM 0.5 (build 06.11.02) by eXOBeX ====================================== X360SAM is a small MSDOS application which will take your original Samsung firmware plus a hacked firmware (such as XTREME.BIN) and will create a new hacked firmware containing the correct DVD key. This is done using Sniperkilla's method (copying bytes $4000-$43FF from the original file). Usage: x360sam <original fw> <master hacked fw> <new fw> e.g.: x360sam orig.bin xtreme.bin hacked.bin Note: it does not support long file names - use the short versions please! Also included are eight batch files:- SAMREAD.BAT, SAMREADA.BAT, SAMREADB.BAT To run this, type SAMREAD (or SAMREADA or SAMREADB) followed by the Xbox serial number, e.g. SAMREAD 1234567 61005 This will create a folder especially for that Xbox, read the firmware from the drive, storing it in the folder as ORIG.BIN. It will then use X360SAM.EXE to create a hacked version (called HACKED.BIN), storing it in the same folder. SAMREADA.BAT will use XTREM42A.BIN SAMREADB.BAT will use XTREM42B.BIN SAMREAD.BAT just calls SAMREADB.BAT anyway. SAMHACK.BAT To run this, type SAMHACK followed by the Xbox serial number, e.g. SAMHACK 1234567 61005 This flashes the HACKED.BIN file (created by SAMREAD.BAT) onto the drive. SAMREMOD.BAT, SAMREMOA.BAT, SAMREMOB.BAT To run this, type SAMREMOD (or SAMREMOA or SAMREMOB) followed by the Xbox serial number, e.g. SAMREMOD 1234567 61005 This does the same as SAMREAD.BAT but without re-reading ORIG.BIN from the 360. Useful if you've used X360SAM in the past, but now you want to flash a newer firmware to the same drive. SAMREMOA.BAT will use XTREM42A.BIN SAMREMOB.BAT will use XTREM42B.BIN SAMREMOD.BAT just calls SAMREMOB.BAT anyway. SAMORIG.BAT To run this, type SAMORIG followed by the Xbox serial number, e.g. SAMORIG 1234567 61005 This flashes the ORIG.BIN file (created by SAMREAD.BAT) back onto the drive. No need to boot Windows as part of the flash process! You may need to replace MTKFLASH with your own version (the one included is customised for VIA EPIA SP series Mini-ITX motherboards with PnP OS disabled). Don't forget to put a copy of XTREM40A.BIN and XTREM40B.BIN in the SAMSUNG folder! X360SAM was written in Turbo Pascal 5.5 *** USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - DON'T BLAME ME IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG *** VERSION HISTORY --------------- 0.5 - Now copies the version strings at $202e-$205d and $20bc-$20db from the original firmware, so the hacked firmware reports the original version (well done DeViLs360 and NU-NRG for trying that out first!). If the firmware version isn't ms-anything, stops with an error. 0.4 - Added I/O error checking, if X360SAM encounters a disk error (because it's full, for example) it'll delete the partly-created file and halt with ERRORLEVEL 1 which is now picked up by the batch files. 0.3 - Read/write block size increased to reduce operating time on floppy drives, logo added, SAMREAD.BAT altered to accommodate XTREME32.BIN. 0.2 - Key area increased in size from $4000-$41FF to $4000-$43FF (release delayed, hence support for XTREME30.BIN which came out later). 0.1 - Initial release, features 256K filesize check and $4000-$41FF key size. |