XBox FTP client --------------- This client was mainly made for one reason - xbox to xbox transfers. Somewhere along the road I got offtracked and made it a xbox ftp client instead, since evo-x provide you with a quite ok ftp-server. This is one of my very first XBOX programs tho, so don't judge me too hard. Now... if you loose some files, if harddrives and chipsets break so hard that they pour out flames in my name, and you end up biting your fingers off to get out of the pain - I still won't take any blame for you testing my code. Yes, code. I know you recieved this as xbox binary, but I never released any binaries . It's developed using the DX8.1 SDK and a registered version of visual studio 6. Then slightly converted and compiled by someone that prefer to remain anonymous. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS : up/down on digital pad......................singlestep up/down left/right on digital pad...................steps a bunch up/down A ( green ).................................Change dir ( if on top of a dir ) X ( blue ) single file/dir Y ( yellow ) really fast, multiple files/dirs b ( red ) or BACK...........................change dir UP ( or .. if you prefer ) START.......................................Main Menu LEFT TRIGGER................................local ( left side ) RIGHT TRIGGER...............................remote ( right side - but only if connected ) WHITE BUTTON................................Transfer selected files/dirs, and then starts the queue RIGHT THUMB.................................Add selected files/dirs to queue LEFT THUMB..................................Transfer queue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program was made possible by these people : ------------------------------------------------ Lantus, being the first xbox developer I ever got in touch with. Great guy and very skilled. Helped me solve many issues during my training. RUNTiME, I can't see how this app ever could have been anything without your help. Tritium, without your XToolBox, I'd have the only ftp-client around - as well as I'd been able to add a lot of hours extra to my list of hours slept - and WAY less hours spendt coding. I've had a great time talking to you, and it has been truly helpful. God knows that xb-ftp would suck if it weren't for you. My wife, for sticking out with me even tho I'm a geek-to-the-bone programmer. For bringing me caffeine instead of harsh words when I've spendt whole weekend programming. I hope all programmer geeks gets someone like you. My testers that gave me REAL good feedback, you know who you are :) Don't have any doubt, I've taken every line of feedback seriously and this is the result of what you told me. crew...."when it's gone, you really notice what it meant for you". I'm happy I talk daily with some of you guys, it's been my pleasure :) you, the reader - for being able to actually read this far down without committing suicide nor closing the text window in panic. - The Joker / Crusaders, TJ_CRS on EFNET. p.s. In case any Microsoft representative actually reads this - I want to express my disgust to the rules you attempt to make. You actually try to stop the people you once were yourself, and according to late personal sightings - you still want to be that kind of people. Stop pirates, not hackers. Hackers missions are not to copy games nor to make you loose money. A hacker's mission is to gain knowledge and to adept, to improve the world in their ways by using the skills they can provide. Maybe you should start thinking in a different way - what might they teach you, instead of forcing them to hide some of their knowledge. You guys are far too important to the world to act like kids. |