------------------------------------------------------- Xtreme firmware for Hitachi 46D and 47D and 59 Xbox 360 V1.1 ------------------------------------------------------- Here it is, the long awaited World first Xbox 360 backup firmware modification to boot game backups on all Hitachis! 59 version has not been tested on physical drive, neither has flashsec47 or memdump on this version of the drive! I am working on an Xtreme0800 firmware for each Hitachi to enable you to dump ss/backup your game originals and will release when done. Features ----------------- Now for all Hitachi drives! Boots all Xtreme Xbox 360 backups Boots all Xtreme Xbox 1 backups supported by emulator Boots all Xbox 360 originals Boots all Xbox 1 originals supported by emulator Use on Xbox Live at own risk Technical details ------------------------ Security sectors are read in this order: Reads Xbox 360 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0) Reads Xbox 1 security sector from PSN 605FF (Layer 0) Reads Xbox 360 security sector from PSN FD021E (Layer 1) Flashes sector 9003e000 (Master Checksum) Flashes sector 90035000 (Security Sector Read) Flashes sector 9001c000 (Drive Response Table Decrypt) Flashes sector 90003000 (Custom Code) Flashes sector 90027000 (Challenge Response) Flashing your drive --------------------------- Xtreme.bat automatically makes a backup of your dvd drive firmware called orig.bin and renames existing orig.bin nine times. Plug SATA cable from DVD drive to PC. Power cable drive still connected to Xbox 360 Ensure Hitachi drive is in mode b either by two wire trick or slax linux boot cd Go to Windows Run Xtreme.bat batch file from a dos prompt specifing drive letter eg "xtreme.bat g" Pause has been added after each flash, just press any key to continue. All done! Run Restore.bat to revert to original firmware eg "restore.bat g" Media detection on Hitachi -------------------------- Due to the Hitachi drives detection of Book-type DVD-Rom dual layer media taking longer than other types of media (you will hear click click noise, security sector read routine has not be executed at this stage!) this can cause the Xbox360 dashboard to timeout causing open tray prompt. This is normal operation for the Hitachi drive and has nothing to do with the security sector read routine or any of the Xtreme firmware patches. Use the HDTV switch/HDD trick to soft reset the console (this doesnt reset the dvd drive) eliminating the timeout issue. Unreconized disc/dirty disc error is due to incompatible media/burner/SS for use with Hitachi. Best results are found using Verbatim media and Pioneer burner. Thanks to everyone at Xboxhacker.net for all their discussions. Thanks go to Seventhson for flashsec and memdump and Loser for firmcrypt, without these tools this would not be possible. Thanks also to #FW on IRC for support/discussion Commodore4Eva |