May 27 2003 Media X Menu 0.9l Beta 0.9l * New strings: TempSys TempCPU TempSysF TempSysC TempCPUF TempCPUC BIOSMD5 BIOSName CurrentSubMenu TrayState (Open/Closed/Init) DVDType (Identifies the type of disc currently inserted: Game, Movie, Unknown, Empty) Name (Identifies the nickname) CurrentSong CurrentSoundtrack NumFTPUsers DefaultGateway (These new IPs do not have 'dressing' - add with Compound Strings) SubnetMask DNS1 DNS2 * Added Preferences node to configuration. - <UseCelsius> If True, displays temps in degrees Celsius, otherwise uses Farenheit - <TimeFormat> 0=24-hour format, 1=am/pm format - <DateFormat> 0=American mm/dd/yy, 1=Euro yy/mm/dd (More to follow) - <Nickname> Adds the nickname of your choice to the head of the nickname cache - <AutoLaunchGame> Will run single game discs and load multi-game compilations into the menu (MXM and MenuX) Defaults to FALSE - <AutoLoadMulti> Loads multidisc DVD compilations into the menu (Like AutoLaunchGame, but won't run single game discs) Defaults to TRUE - <DeepMultiSearch> When loading discs, this indicates whether the AutoLoad should search beyond the first layer of subdirectories - <AutoLaunchMovie> Will run movie discs using the selected movie player Defaults to FALSE - <DVDPlayer> and <DVDPlayerCmdLine> get called when playing a DVD movie disc that's autolaunched If not specified, it will search all menu items for the DVD Region X v2 player. * Added "Overrides" - have to be careful here.... overriding music/video interaction could lead to issues!! Overrides::PreviewEnableSound True/False Overrides::PreviewSuspendMusic True/False Overrides::ForceGlobalMusic True/False Overrides::ForceLocalMusic True/False Overrides::ForceRandomMusic True/False * Added new conditionals: SubMenu - True when current menu displayed is submenu MainMenu - True when current menu displayed is main menu (topmost) * Fixed potential issues with multiple FTP users accessing DVD drive. * Item element <CommandLine> now supported. Untested, but should work. * On StrongBad's suggestion, added "B" button to act as "Back" when navigating menus. * Fixed nonworking <ArrowColor> tag in Menu::MenuX gadget. * Skins now may assign menu and message box colors: MessageBox::BoxColor (Defaults to 0x80000000) MessageBox::BorderColor (Defaults to 0xffffff00) MessageBox::TextColor (Defaults to 0xffffffff) MessageBox::ShadowColor (Defaults to 0xff000000) SystemMenu::BoxColor (Defaults to 0x80000000) SystemMenu::BorderColor (Defaults to 0xffffff00) SystemMenu::TextColor (Defaults to 0xff909090) SystemMenu::SelectColor (Defaults to 0xffffffff) SystemMenu::ValueColor (Defaults to 0xff000090) SystemMenu::SelectValueColor (Defaults to 0xffc0c0ff) * Added check to prevent AutoDir from loading MXM as an item * "X" button on gamepad now skips to the next song in the menu screen. * Added new image sources, menu based ones, analogous to the entry ones... for the current menu: Menu MenuNamed MenuBase MenuBaseIdx (These are untested) * FTPServer was "slightly rewritten" - J.P.Patches core was great, I just re-did it using a bit more robust string object (no overflows) and added XML configuration. Some testing was done, looks OK. PASV mode still going to be an issue. * New Node in Text Gadget <Multi> to support compound strings Example: <Multi> <Text>This is </Text> <Text source="disctitle" /> <Text constant=" more text" /> <Text const=" this also acceptable " /> <Text source="configvalue" section="information" key="UserName"/> </Multi> This will create a compound string that combines the values. * Fixed nasty little parsing issue - It didn't affect too much before, but arose under certain circumstances. * XML values now support HTML Codes: < > & for "<", ">", and "&" respectively. * Added Time Synchronization. Supports network Timeservers (port 13) at the moment, more will be added. Preferences::SynchronizeClock (True/False, false if TimeServer is not defined, otherwise defaults to True) Preferences::TimeServerIP (Defaults to null) * Added Network settings node: Network::UseDHCP (True/False, defaults to last setting, otherwise) Network::IP Network::DNS1 Network::DNS2 Network::DefaultGateway Network::SubnetMask * FTP Priority setting: Preferences::FTPPriority (Lowest/Low/BelowNormal/Normal/AboveNormal/High/Highest Defaults to Normal) * Made improvements to speed on FTP uploads and downloads * Tweaked startup to use the undocumented XeImageFileName to determien the startup path. This should fix a few problems, hopefully. * In the skins, multiple image resources can be randomly selected from at bootup. See the skinning guide for details. (This is untested) * If no items are found in the MXM.xml as subnodes of "Config" then it will also look for a "Menu" subnode as second chance. * Added System Information screen - It's not too exciting for now, but it does consolidate much of the info available. * Fixed issue with FTP and root directories. |