************************************************** ************************************************** **** **** **** Dash2Gam V3.1B **** **** Patch **** **** **** ************************************************** ************************************************** *** Installation *** /!\ You cannot install the patch with the ftp of the dash /!\ the files ' xip' being proteger if the dash is in service. You must use another accee ftp. - Transferez the file ' Dash2Gam' has the place or it your figure. - All the files to modify for this patch will replace the votres. *** BUGS CORRECT *** - a bug with some skin fesait apparaitre all the orbs after having left Memoryx from the mainmenu. - a bug empecher the basic image to post itself after having left Memoryx if there were only one alone image in the skin and that the option of the choice of the image was on rnd. - a bug in the option of choice of the starting pouver menu to make plant the mainmenu. - a bug which empechait to post the panelmusic on some skin. *** Change *** - the panel of Scanne of the hard disk only appears with the launching of the dash: - With the first launching of the dash. - One passes from a configuration beginner towards pro or a configuration pro towards beginner. - New translation of the files language and Spanish information (Thank you ' rezzo '). - Posting of the seconds in the panel hour tHc. - the under small one ' Video' of small ' the Configuration' has to change following the addition again finely. *** Addition *** - Possibiliter to choose to post the hour on 12 or 24 hours. - Option 22 in the file ' ConfigSysteme.xbc '. - Under small ' Heure' in small ' the Configuration' to modify. - Addition of under menu ' Video Mode' in small ' the Configuration' - 60H, 480p, 720p, 1080i. - Addition of the action ' GotoVideoMode_2GAM' for small ' the Configuration' 2G Collective. |