**************************************************************** **************************************************************** ************ Dashboard 2GAM V 3.0 Beta *************** *************** ****************** **************************************************************** This version is a version beta. Following the additions/changes/etc... new a bug appeared in the menus during the reading of Dvd Video in-house. This bug this translated by: -Disappearance of the images of the skin. -Blocking of the console. -Bad Compatibiliter with the skins of a former version. Malgre but effort for y remedier, I do not have reussi has the empecher. I thus have modiffier the xaps so that it does not charge the skin during the reading of a dvd. That empeche not operation but only the estetique one of the menus. I espere that malgre very that you will apprecierez this version who push my knowledge as regards xap beyond their limits. For reason of compatibiliter the video one of introduction is desactiver by defect. *** SPECIFICATIONS *** - it is possible to put the dash or you want (except cd/dvd). - Embedded FTP Server in the dashboard - Embedded Region Free DVD Reader in the dashboard - Support the setup of the Xbox LED color - Support of the '0' key to switch off the Xbox while a DVD is playing - Scan a lot of Hardware informations of the Xbox - Display a lot of informations about the Xbox - Le choix entre 0 ET XXX menus dans le Main Menu. - Display of time and date on every screen - Display on every screen the soundtrack, name and time of the current background music - 29 buttons to set up (launching applications or internal function) - Display the amount of space used/free on each drive - Support des Skins pour changer l'apparence du dashboard. - Lecture des musiques en fond a l'aide du Music Control Panel du tHc* Lite - Possibility to set a password (keyboard or nike) on each application or internal function - Screensaver customized and customizable - The choice of the reader (internal or other) for playing a video DVD or audio CD - Multi-language: french, english, german, spanish (+ easily other languages) etc... (I'll not list all 200 options here ;) *** INSTALLATION *** 1) To copy the file ' dvd.dll' with the root of the partition E: 2) To copy the file ' Dash2Gam' plus the executable or you want. 3) To configure your dashboard by modifying the file ' config.ini' (for the beginners) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/' or the file ' config_pro.ini' (to initiate them) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/' more the files of section in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/Datas/Config/'. 4) Launch the file 'Dash2Gam.xbe' (as an qu'application, or as default dashboard). /!\ If you wish to use the Config Pro, do not forget to set up JUST the first line of the file 'config.ini' for beginners. /!\ *** USING *** * COMBOS : The default button presets are as follow : (B) ...................... to restart the Xbox from the Main Menu (X) ...................... to display the Music Control Panel (by tHc) (BLACK) .................. to play the game MemoryX (by BobMcGee) (Right Stick) ............ to take a screenshot of your dashboard. You can snap up to 11 shots per session, they would be saved in the directory 'Screenshot' at the root of your E: drive (Left Stick) ............. to load the next Skin (Left) + (A) ............. to change the background image (Left) + (B) ............. to display or not the Clock (Left) + (X) ............. to show informations about your Xbox (Left) + (BLACK) ......... to display or not the Audio Vizualizer on Main Menu (Left) + (Y) ............. to show or not the soundtrack, name and time of the background music (Left) + (Right) + (B) ... to switch off the Xbox (Left) + (Right) + (X) ... to open/close the DVD tray If you are using the config_pro.ini file, do not forget to fill out the 1st line of the config.ini for beginners *** CHANGES of the V2.41B with the V3.0B *** I hold personnelement has to thank Yoshihiro which agreed to render service to me on the executable of Dash2Gam malgre its departure of the Xbox scene. The modifications of option are a little less obvious (A of the files separer) but, for reasons technique, it was obligatory. I work actuelement on the possibiliter to modify all the in-house options. *** NEWS : - It is possible to put the dashboard or one wants (to exclude on cd/dvd). - the executable must be on the same level that the file ' Dash2Gam '. - for example: F:// | Dashboards | | Unleash 2GDash | | default.xbe Dash2Gam default.xbe - If you want to use the reading of a video dvd from Dash2Gam: it is necessary to copy the file ' dvd.dll' has the root of ' E: '. The these only file which has a site precis. *** CHANGES: - Large modification of the file ' config_pro.ini ': - the file ' config_pro.ini' contains that the options to use by the executable. - All the other sections to use this finds in file separer in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/Datas/Config/'. - the options remains the same ones that the old version. - Only the options (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) of the section [ System ] this finds, in options (16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21) in the file ' ConfigSysteme.xbc '. (see the file ' config_pro_eng.txt '). - Launching of the faster dash. *** BUGS CORRECT: - the bug of access to the reader dvd by ftp is resolu. - a bug in the small hard disk (if a dvd of plays were in the reader) posted a title of menu errone has ete corrects. *** BUGS REMAINING: - Recognition of the memory boards /! \ at certain person, the memory board has ete purely and simply erases /! \. - Disappearance of the images of the skins. (This bug appears in small the memory if there are too much safeguard and in the small hard disk if one makes post the icones). - the video one of intro does not appear into full screen on a TV 4/3. - Problems of recognition of the levers according to the number and the place or they are to connect. - On certain configuration of xbox: /! \ /! \ Before installing it in dash Principal, ensure that all functions /!\/!\. - Blocking of the console during transfer in ftp. - Blocking of the console at the time of the call has the routine which gere the panel of information and questions. - Blocking of the console to the demarrage of the dash. (to test desactiver launching the video one of intro in the config_pro.ini). - Blocking of the console due has a bios Evox. - Various problems on the sounds ambient. *** INFORMATION *** This dashboard is based on the M$. I rewrote a big part of the code in order to integrate a maximum of Options (about 200). Some functions was found on Internet forums, www.Gueux.net (http://gueux.be/), www.xbox-scene.com, www.BURNINGBOX.fr.st, other functions was taken from the tHc* dashboard. They are owned by their respective authors and I will not take any credits for them ! 2G Collective. |