+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | -=team xecuter presents=- | | | | X2BM - XECUTER2 BIOS MANAGER v2.3 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WEB : http://www.teamxecuter.com | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Introduction. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The main aim of X2BM is to make it easy to manage, create & programme bios images for your xbox. No more need for bat files to stick images together, or for messy programming apps. It also now programmes your X2.x lite AND X2.x Pro mods together in one tool. Changelog. \\\\\\\\\\\ v2.3 - Released November 12th 2004 * Now Supports Evox M8 Plus & M8 Bios's hacked with Evotool * Updated bios.ini with all latest X3 Bios's and some others * Added X3 01 AD detect for possible X2.6 Programmer hack to flash first 1mb of X3 mod v2.2 - Released July 16th 2004 * Now Supports Evox M8 * No io.dll errors when simply messing with bios's (no programming via LPT) v2.1 - Released March 2nd 2004 * Bios Load / Save Corruption Fixed * X2 Pro Optimized Programming * X2 Lite Various Bug Fixes * Bank Erase Now Working (not compatible when using lite programmer) * Bank Programming Working v2 Final - Released December 31st 2003 - HAPPY NEW YEAR ! * Added erase/flash per bank for the Pro (not compatible when using lite programmer) * Improved io support for complete OS compatibility (win9x / win2k / winxp) * Added manual mod detection * Added internet update of latest bios.ini v2 Beta 7 - Released 07th Oct 2003 * Complete New Gui * Easier copy / paste functions * Added Auto detect for lite and pro X2.x * Improved flashing function V1.1 - Released 05th Feb 2003 * Detect if no programmer connected (disable read / write / verify) - Added * In the MD5 manager if you select the very top md5 sum and try to delete it nothing happens - Fixed * Menu option File-->Open doesn't work - Fixed * Type in printer port manually - will save auto to registry - Added * Removed focus rect from buttons * Verification errors now show details V1.0 - First Released 20th Jan 2003 Features. \\\\\\\\\\ BIOS IMAGE CREATOR: Graphical display of bios banks (256k / 512k / 1024k) Easily create a 1MB image with whatever bios's you choose Save images in 256k / 512k / 1024k format files Read bios file to view contents of image MD5 MANAGEMENT: Database of all known BIOS's If unknown bios easily create its name with a simple click All bios names and MD5 Hash stored in easy to share BIOS.ini file (online updateable) BIOS.ini saves in evox.ini format X2 PROGRAMMING: Erase / Program / Verify Options 100% Compatible with Win9x / 2k / XP Compatible with X2 Lite and X2 Pro series of mods Now programes X2 Pro using the X2 lite programmer (if your Pro programmer is damaged in some way) How to use. \\\\\\\\\\\\ To create a new image for scratch open X2BM and select the size of the image you wish to create and then select bank 0 and press the 'import bios into bank'. the select file dialog will appear select the bios you what to import into the image (either 256k/512k/1mb) if the bios has been mirrored in the file then X2BM will automatically resize its original size. repeat the above steps until the image has been completly filled with bios's in the order you prefer. To edit an existing image select the open image option and select the image you want to modify, the image will be opened into the editor you can then resize/delete import new bios's into that image and the save it. 2 256k bios's +-------+ | bios1 | Bank 0 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios1 | Bank 1 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios2 | Bank 2 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios2 | Bank 3 | 256k | | | +-------+ 2 512k bios's +-------+ | bios1 | Bank 0 | 512k | | | + + | | Bank 1 | | | | +-------+ | bios2 | Bank 2 | 512k | | | + + | | Bank 3 | | | | +-------+ Example of X2 PRO 256k/512k Mixing..... 2 256k bios and 1 512k bios +-------+ | bios1 | Bank 0 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios2 | Bank 1 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios3 | Bank 2 | 512k | | | + + | | Bank 3 | | | | +-------+ 1 512k bios and 2 256k bios +-------+ | bios1 | Bank 0 | 512k | | | + + | | Bank 1 | | | | +-------+ | bios2 | Bank 2 | 256k | | | +-------+ | bios3 | Bank 3 | 256k | | | +-------+ Notes. \\\\\\ If programming a Pro with the lite programmer - it will detect as a Lite but will program a full 1mb just fine. Comments. \\\\\\\\\\ All ideas/bug reports will be listened to. Please post comments/suggestions on the Xecuter forums: http://www.teamxecuter.com Team Xecuter |