# Version 5.2 - [Major Tom](https://open.spotify.com/track/6lXKNdOsnaLv9LwulZbxNl?si=AS51633qSDeZHQGyiuIy6Q) Thanks to @langerhans for reminding me of that song :) Feel free to send me a pull request with your Splash Screen / Bootlogo. Could be that the next version will use your picture! - Just [follow the guide](https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/blob/master/HowToCompile.md#hekate-bootlogo) Was a new feature released that you really want to test or you don't trust my binaries? Follow [this guide](https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/blob/master/HowToCompile.md) to compile it yourself! **Changelog:** - Updated Homebrew Menu - Now works with Firmware 1.X - A combination between master, @StevenMattera's fork and @rajkosto's fork - Updated EdiZon - Now at version 1.2 - [Full changelog](https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon/releases) This is a small update, what do you expect ... **How to use:** 1. Download [Hekate](https://github.com/CTCaer/hekate/releases) 2. Download the [latest release](https://github.com/tumGER/SDFilesSwitch/releases) and extract it to the root of your Switch SD card 3. Start hekate through e.g. [Fusée Gelée](https://github.com/reswitched/fusee-launcher), [TegraRcmSmash](https://switchtools.sshnuke.net/) or [WebCFWLoader](https://elijahzawesome.github.io/web-cfw-loader/) 4. ??? 5. Profit! **Featuring:** -[Atmosphere](https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere) -[Homebrew Menu with patches by @StevenMattera and @rajkosto](https://github.com/tumGER/nx-hbmenu) -[Homebrew Loader](https://github.com/switchbrew/nx-hbloader) -[nx-dreport](https://github.com/Thog/nx-dreport) -[AppstoreNX](https://github.com/vgmoose/appstorenx) -[Gag-Order](https://github.com/Adubbz/Gag-Order) -[EdiZon](https://github.com/thomasnet-mc/EdiZon) -[SDFileUpdater](https://github.com/StevenMattera/SDFileUpdater) -[Sys-FTPD](https://github.com/jakibaki/sys-ftpd) **There are a lot of modified versions of this pack going around, I'm not connected, responsible or justifiable for the content of those modifications.** |