A big thanks to MODCHIPMAN.COM for sponsoring!
In celebration of our 5 year anniversary, with over 2 million unique visits, xbins is proudly presenting the first xbins contest!
As the center of all xbox homebrew, we still thrive today in providing developers support to contribute publically to this large scene. We must first give our most expressed
thanks and appreciation to our sponsor http://www.modchipman.com who is providing the prizes for this competition.
Here's how the contest is going to work:
Various 'items' are going to be randomly hidden on our FTP server. Inside these item's will be a code. Once you find one of the item's, you will enter the code inside(just open the file with
notepad to get the code) into the code box with your email at the bottom of this page. Once that code is submitted, it will no longer be valid. One prize per person. The contest will begin at 3pm PST on Saturday June 30th, and will last for 3 hours.
You will need to join our channel #xbins on Efnet, IRC in order to participate. You may learn how to do that here
. I want to note that the channel
will be left unmoderated so that people can actually talk in the channel...something not done in quite a few years ;)
For clarification, users may reach xbins by any means, however we will be issuing a temporary account for people to use during the contest duration. That way all you folks wont be overloading poor xbins (bot) :) The Prizes will be in plaintext files with no extentions, with some variation of the word 'prize' or 'giftcard'. They will not be contained in any .rar or .zip files, and will NOT be located in any "_old" directories. Everything else is fair game :)
Here is a list of the winners that have responded so far:
$100 Gift Card - Scorpion2k
$50 Gift Card - TextBook, knubbsal
Scorpion2k - $100 Gift Card
Ghost xbox360 case - popballz
360 face plate - tsnipez -at- gmail
XCM RED Case - anonomous
Clear XBOX Case - TheIrishLad , uppercuts
You can see the availible prizes below!!