!eviLoader by !eviL Prod.(c)2003
Here is our new application loader!

follow this steps to learn how to make your own menu application:

1) First create a working directory (ex:[MyXISO]) and put all files in.
   Now all operations are in this working directory.

2) Copy all covers pictures in the [Media] directory.
   for our exemple: Appl1.jpg, Appl2.jpg, Appl3.jpg, Appl4.jpg

3) Create the Directories used for your applications in the root level.
   Don't create more than 12 directories.
   For our exemple: [Application1], [Application2], [Application3], [Application4]

4) Copy the applications files in their respective directory.

5) Edit the "eviloader.ini" in the [Media] directory.
   for each entry we have:

Name=<here put the name of the application you want to see on screen [32 chars max]>
Directory=<here put the directory of the application>
Cover=<here put the name of the cover picture in the Media directory>
NameXBE=<here put the name of the XBE to launch>

6) finally create an XISO DVD image to burn it :)

We hope that's easy to all people

Stay tuned... http://www.evilprod.fr.st