
Author: Videogamebuyer14

Authors Words

Ok, this release is one of my first. It is a .xmv editor, which will easily allow you to 
import a stream of video and several streams of audio, (if you wish) into a .xmv file. It's
regular clipper code for now, I'll see to it that I get a gui out soon. 

If you don't understand how to use clipper programs,(without a gui) please don't attempt to
use this program. You've been warned.


Usage:  XMVPACK  [options]   
-d <file name>  - dumps the information about the file    
-s              - dump statistics about the resulting .XMV file    
-p <size>       - set the packet size in K, from 4-512 in multiples of 4   
-t <time>       - set the mimimum length of a packet in milliseconds    
-i <file name>  - add all streams from the input file to the .XMV    
-ic <file name> - add and compress all streams from the input file    
-v <file name>  - add only the video stream from the file    
-a <file name>  - input only the first audio stream from the file    
-ac <file name> - input and compress the first audio stream from the file    
-o <file name>  - name of the .xmv file to create  

-d must be the only option on the command line. 
The difference between -s and -d is that -s dumps the information about the .XMV file that would be produced while -d shows information about the specific file.
Only one of -t or -p may be specified. 
Specifying neither defaults to a minimum packet time of 100 ms.
-i, -v and -a can be used to build an XMV file out of multiple video and audio files.
Specifying more than one video stream will result in an error.
Multiple audio streams can be specified and they will be stored in the .XMV file in the same order that they appeared on the command line.
-ic and -ac will store compress the audio streams using ADPCM compression and store it in the XMV file.  
These switches have no effect on the video stream which will always be compressed. 
Only one output file may be specified via -o.  
If the file is not defined then the tool will display statistics about the file it would have created.(i.e. no -o will automatically imply -s.) 
This tool can import audio and video data from .XMV, .WMV, .WMA, .AVI and .WAV files. 
Importing audio data from .WMV and .WMA files is currently very slow and should be avoided if possible.
The video can only be imported from .WMV files created with the WMV8 video encoder.




This is a .XMV packer that was edited for legal public distribution. Enjoy it.


    - Benjeremy - Thanks for all of your help :D
    - Xbox-Scene - For being the best forum out there!
    - To everyone who asked for this program. :p

TO-DO LIST (Later On)

    - Try to get a nice User - Friendly GUI working, instead of the mean clipper code. :D
    - Working on a XMV player for Xbox with play and loop functions.
    - Releasing the entire set of tools with my release of cdx.

Change History
    - None, first edition.