

WHAT IT IS: It is a pc ndure installer. It creates a the appropriate ndure setup according to your selection. Then you can ftp the files into your xbox or install them with xboxhdm.

URL: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=411052

WHAT DOES IT DO: 1. Creates Ndure Basic Setup
                 2. Creates Ndure Retail Setup
                 3. Creates UDDAE Setup
                 4. Open tray settings
                 5. Switch between MS dash and xonlinedash console 
                 6. Can convert the setup to use with xboxhdm
                 7. Ndure toolset for change/troubleshooting/maintanance

DETAILED README: Detailed readme for every function is in "Readme.pdf" file

Major additions since Ndure installer 2.1:

UUDAE (Uber Double Dash Audio exploit): Uses Uberdash (4920.17cdc100) xboxdash.xbe to trigger audio exploit. You can use this in conjunction of Ndure and use it to go back to modded state or launch xonloinedash console.

MS Dash and xonlinedash console switching: Previous Ndure setup was incompatible with xonlinedash console so users would get a blank screen if XBL menu was launched. This setup uses a modified xonlinedash.xbe to make it compatible Ndure exploit setup. Users can launch xonlinedash console by just putting a file called boot1.bin ( any file) in E:\ root. If there is no boot1.bin file in E:\ root then Nkpatcher would launch MS dash. 
The nkpatcher used is little modified ( with xman954's code). Users dont need to replace fonts or nkpatcher to toggle open tray settings, just placing boot1.bin/ or removing in E:\ root is enough.

Ndure installer for xboxhdm: Successor to UXE installer for xboxhdm. Just create your Ndure setup by choosing your appropriate settings. Check the box saying "Create xboxhdm installer" and it will create a custom xboxhdm Ndure installer for you. MOre details on how to use xboxhdm installer is on Readme.pdf file.


from 2.1 to 3.0
Added UDDAE setup function
Added UDDAE installation to Ndure toolset
Ability to convert your setup for use with xboxhdm
Open tray settings
Ability to use xonlinedash console
Nkpatcher_11_U2 by xman
RGB/Progressive Nkpatcher
Changed graphics and icons of the installer
Improved Ndure Toolset
Minor bug fixes and additions

Credits: eh/Ndure Protagonist ( Think-tank behind Ndure, UDDAE, best beta tester in world) xman ( first and only generic st.db for uddae, Nkpatcher_11) rmenhal ( god of exploit fallen from sky and gave us the st.db's, fonts and everything) krayzie, Daddyj, Angerwound, PedrosPad, cio, devz3ro, Horscht and everyone who tested and helped developing.